No chapter, just sayin shit

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Ok, I'm just being mean right now so I'll start this announcement or whatever.

I'm so sorry to anybody who has read this and is either wanting another chapter or is like, this book is shit, I don't really care but I'm just letting you know that I will not be doing the episodes of Voltron, I'll just be doing the readers pov for the whole thing, so imma go back and fix that in the first chapter. So, yeah. 

I'm also not really into the fandom as much as I was when I started so that's another reason. And I really don't have the time to either look at another fanfics book and just do the first episode cause that's what takes the longest, or just watch it on Netflix, word for word, having to pause every 5 seconds cause I cannot listen and write at the same time.

So I'm very sorry if you wanted the episodes, but I will not be doing them, just your pov, and back to how I said I'm not into the fandom as much, I will still try and continue this book. Also, I would love to read y'alls comments so I know people are reading this. Please and thank you.

Have a great day, night, or whatever. Bye

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