I Need You

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Kenma's Point Of View

"Kuroo please, i need you."

"i'm on my way, stay where you are." Kuroo said through the phone.

i was shaking uncontrollably. i was sitting on my bathroom floor with a blade in my hand. i made a few cuts and i wanted to make more, but instead i called Kuroo.

he helped me through everything.

i mean everything.

he helped me get my own place when my parents kicked me out for being gay. he helped with my depression and anxiety. he would always answer when i called him at the crack of dawn after a night terror. he would walk by me so others wouldn't socialize with me.

he does so much for me and i can't do anything for him except annoy him. i'm so pathetic.

"Kenma? answer me."


"unlock the door."

i slowly got up and unlocked the bathroom door. Kuroo's eyes immediately dropped down to my wrists.


"fuck, i'm sorry. i didnt-"

"stop. it's okay. you're going to be okay."

he washed the blood from my wrists and kissed them.

"don't do this anymore..."

"Kuroo im sorry. i'm sorry i'm such a burden. i'm sorry i can't do anything in return to you. i'm sorry i can't do anything right. i-"

"Kenma stop. you're not a burden, you don't suck at everything, and you do give me things i'm return. you don't have to but you do. now you need to go to sleep, it's 2 in the morning and there's school tomorrow."

he hugged me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until we fell asleep.


i woke up feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me. i turned around, startled, until i saw it was Kuroo. his breathing patterns told me he was still asleep. i checked the time on my phone.

7 am

the regular time i get up for school.


i shook him lightly.

"Kuroo we gotta go to school. get up my dude."

his eyes slowly fluttered open.


we got up and i got ready. we walked to his house so he could get ready,


Kuroo walked by me close and i kept my head down as we made our way to school. of course we had to part ways once we got there, but it helps to know he's there.

the bell rang as soon as i sat in my seat.

~~time skip from a lazy author~~

i put my bag next to the door then made my way to the kitchen to get some water. then the door opened again.

"Kenma you better be eating." Kuroo called from the door.

i walked to the living room. "but i'm not hungry."

"did you eat lunch?"

i didn't respond.

"did you eat breakfast?"

i still didn't respond.

"did you eat at all the last three days?"

i stayed silent.

"exactly, so you're going to eat now."


"no. whatever you want, i don't care. you're going to eat."

i looked down, tears starting to form in my eyes. i'm sensitive to yelling, and when someone raises their voice at me, even a little, it makes me cry.

"kitten don't cry. i didn't mean to raise my voice at you."

his hand caressed my cheek. then i started shaking. a lot.

"Kenma? are you alright?" he looked down at my hands and saw how badly i was shaking.

i felt the warmth of his hand leave my face as he picked me up. he set me down on the counter in the kitchen as he pulled some ramen out of the cabinet. once he got it on the stove he took my shaking hands in his. he rested his head on my shoulder and i did the same. we sat there for a couple of minutes before the ramen was done.

by the time it was ready to eat my shaking stopped and my heart was at normal pace. Kuroo made some for himself too. i looked down at the food. i know i have to eat but just looking at it makes me want to puke.

"Kenma, please eat." i looked up at Kuroo's pleading eyes, then back down. slowly i started eating.

~~time skip because i don't need to go into depth about food~~

"i should probably head home since it's almost midnight."

"but it's saturday."

"you know how my parents are, Kenma. i'll see you later."

i watched as he walked out the door, slightly smiling at me. i turned off the tv and grabbed my psp. i played for hours, while also listening to music. one song triggered my memory. i threw my phone, hands shaking.

i started breathing heavily. i don't want a panic attack at 2 in the morning. Kuroo went home a little over 3 hours ago and is definitely asleep. i don't want to bother him nor wake him up. i'd rather sit on the floor until i fall asleep or die.


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