12. Cupcakes

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The sun has already settled down, it was slowly turning dark outside. She just wraps her sleeping man with her warm blanket. He was snoring out loud, maybe he was tired. Having a mission after another does make one's body exhausted.

Brushing his bangs off, his eyelashes show. His pinkish lips and good features were really astonishing, few of the things she likes about him.

It was indeed tiring to stop him from saying things about his opinion on what she read to him. Maybe he got tired of asking and went to his dreamland.

Which made her think that maybe too she was with him in his dreams. If she still wonders, it is a fact even if she doesn't know.

He was sleeping soundly, at least he was comfortable in her place. He really did make himself home, still arguing about that lilac growing in the yard. Guess that he was jealous since she kept the lilac from Kagura.

After seven months in her care, it was growing good... she still hasn't replied to his waiting yet. She might have to wait for the next Chunin exam or the summit meeting to tell him personally.

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard someone's knocking from the front door. She tiptoes her way out, trying not to wake him up

As she opens the door, it was a surprise to see that lovely face of "Hima-chan?"

"Good evening, onee-chan!" Her smiling part is the best about her. She was holding a box big enough to cover her whole arms, just like a pile of books carried in a lying posture

"Come in!" She opens the door wide. Himawari went inside

"I'll hold that!" Sarada grab the box and she undoes her sandals

"That's actually the cupcakes I'm testing on, I wanna have you to judge my baking!"

"I see..." they made their way into the living room. As the little one, she was free to do anything to Sarada's house, not that she cared.

"I'll go make a cup of tea," Himawari respond with a smile, she heads her way into the kitchen

"Where's onii-chan anyway? I thought I'd see him here?!"

"Oh, he's uhm... in the bedroom, asleep."

"You're sleeping together?" Of course, Himawari meant sleeping beside each other

Her face flush with a very shade of red, how was she going to explain her properly. Seeing how innocent Himawari is, she just can't...

"Uhm... yes... and no." She wasn't really sure if that's the answer

"Huh? Yes and no?" The little kid raise one brow

"We sometimes sleep while cuddling each other but sometimes... I just let him sleep while he lay his head on me, so he was the one that always sleeps..." good explanation, she thought hoping that Himawari was too innocent to even think of such dirty acts

"Does he plan on not going home?"

Thanked god "I don't know... you could just wake him up so you could go together."

"Then, won't you be lonely?"

It was a question she threw to the little one and give her back with somehow an odd one. She was used to being alone but what now?

"I'll be fine, I always am!" Sure enough, she was fine "anyways, A lady mustn't roam the streets alone at night!"

"But I can handle myself, besides Inojin nii-chan said he'll come here to pick me up... he rushes before I came here cause there was a direct order from the Hokage,"

"Inojin?" She was too found their bond quite odd to be normal. They've been in the same group of friends but never did she see him so intimate with anyone, of course aside from his team the Ino-shika-Cho

It's been some time that he would often hang out with Himawari if the two of them haven't got any mission to go with.

Furthermore, it was weird on the little Uzumaki's birthday, he gave her a self-portrait along with three sunflowers.

Sarada saw how Boruto looked at Inojin with a bit furious and curious way. Something tells him it was off from what it should be. Clearly, it is what it is.

"Hey, Hima-chan?" The innocent little teenager look at her with wonder

"What is it?"

She has to clarify things with some sort of different tactic, and this question will suit her for good

"In your team, team 8... there's this guy named Ehou Norimaki..."


"Uhm yeah... I'm just curious if you take a... liking on him?"

Sarada was hoping that she was, if she wasn't then this is bad news for Boruto and Lord seventh. She can't imagine their raging faces if they hear them Himawari say that she likes the Yamanaka heir

Himawari threw a fit giggle, "why would I like Ehou? We always bicker all the time and he annoys me a lot!"

"Yeah, but... don't you feel a little something for him?"

Himawari cross her hands and eyes up the ceiling, thinking if she had that kind of feeling towards Ehou. She returns her gaze back to Sarada who was having her way to her, holding a tray of cups and a little kettle

Once Sarada put down the tray, then she said it "I actually don't feel anything towards Ehou... he's funny and I like that but nothing more?!"

Sure enough, Sarada confirms that it was bad news for the Uzumaki except for her mom, Hinata.

Better to keep it by herself cause it is what it is. It's better than the two blondes don't know, they are known for special skills and exceptional battle fighting... they may end up killing the poor Yamanaka boy

Aunt Ino will sure be glad of this but yet not to the Lord seventh. He will surely be stab at the back by a painful blade of reality

"Then how about your Inojin nii-chan?"

"I dunno?!" Hima just shrug "he's just my onii-chan... what's with the question anyway?"

"Just curious."

Sure enough, Inojin didn't expect this. She was still a child, after all, she never cared about surroundings but just focus on what she sees, with or without her Byakugan.

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