Chapter 4

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I awoke to the smell of pancakes and pork sausage wafting from the kitchen. I walked downstairs to see everyone else sitting and eating at the table.

"Good morning, sleepy head," my Mom said, in the middle of flipping pancakes on the griddle. "Come sit down."

I slid in next to my brother and started eating.

"Dad, could you help with my science project?" Jake asked.

"Sure, I think I am through."

Jake and my father both got up and walked out. I wanted to get the courage to ask my Mom a question so just came out with it.

"Mom, how do you know when someone is into you?"

"You mean like more than just a friend?"


"Did you meet a girl?"

What was I going to tell her? That I had possibly had feelings for another guy that went beyond friendship? She interpreted the look on my face that I didn't want to say who it was.

"That's okay. You don't have to tell me who it is," she said. "When you meet somebody sometimes you just know. It doesn't always hit you right away or other times it's like love at first sight."

"Is that how it was with you and Dad?"

"More or less. Actually I met your father on a blind date set up by one of his girlfriends. He was nice and charming. At first I wasn't sure but as we continued going out the more confident I became and the rest as they say is history. The best advice I can give you is listen to what your inner voice tells you. Go to where your heart leads."

"Thanks Mom," I rose up and gave her a big hug.

"Well, you're welcome," she said with a laugh.

I finished eating and changed grabbing my surfboard and walking to the beach this time. Fortunately, my surfboard wasn't that heavy for me to lug so it was easy for me to carry on foot. I got to the beach and right away I started looking for Rob hoping he was there but he was nowhere to be seen. There were several beachgoers from either people sun tanning, other surfers, or families out with their kids spending a sunny day but no Rob.

Was he staying away knowing he'd likely see me being that Christy was back in the picture? The last thing I wanted was to cause any problems for him. I didn't want to lose his friendship.

I decided to go back home and took my bike and went riding around the neighborhood. I rode down one street seeing a row of mini mansions that were easily in the six figures. I skirted to a stop seeing Rob's truck parked in a driveway with his surfboard laying in the back. From the back of the house, I could hear music and several voices.

Do I try going up and talking to him? I rang his door only to be greeted by his Mom.


"Is Rob at home?"

"Yeah, come in. They are all out in back having a pool party."

I walked into their house heading to the back seeing a big pool and a deck with a whole group of guys and girls. From the looks of it, the other guys were from his swim team and old high school friends.

"If you want you can go into our pool house and change. Rob has some more swim shorts."

I acknowledged her and headed into the pool house with the shades drawn. After I was inside I found a chest of drawers opening it up seeing a stack of swim shorts. I took off my clothes just as I could hear someone coming inside seeing Rob walking right in.

Tale of Two SurfersWhere stories live. Discover now