Chapter 6

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It was another hot July day where Rob's uncle decided to go for a day of sailing and invited Rob to come with but he also asked for me and he said he was fine with it.

His uncle owned a big white sailboat that had a medium sized cabin with its own bed. It was one of those days where you couldn't see a speck of clouds seeing a sky of crisp blue. After we boarded we helped raised the sail letting it unfurl against the favorable winds that day.

By the time Rob and I stepped downstairs into the cabin right away we pulled each other shirts off and began kissing locking lips for minutes both falling back laying on the bed. It was an incredible feeling in that moment knowing that Rob felt the same way I did. I even found it hard to catch my breath.

"Opps, sorry," his uncle said.

We both jerked our heads up in fear seeing him standing in the doorway looking at us sprawled out on the bed. I quickly grabbed my shirt sliding it back on. His uncle held up his hand in reassurance.

"Don't need to change on my account."

"We're sorry, Uncle Mike," Rob said.

"I've always had my suspicions but wasn't sure."

"Please don't tell Mom and Dad."

"Yeah," I said. "I don't know what my parents would say."

"Boys, love is a gift in whichever form it is. If your parents find out it will not be from me."

I fell back onto the bed relieved after he stepped back out. Rob slowly rubbed a hand across my stomach sensing how apprehensive I looked.

"My Uncle Mike has always been a cool guy."

"We have made sneaking around a science," I replied.

We stayed down in the cabin holding onto each other just talking more about ourselves. In our conversation, I found out that Rob had the same curious "leanings" as I did from a young age.

"We don't let others define our relationship," he explained. "We define it for ourselves."

It was one of the best days I had here since moving to Huntington. We swam in the ocean, did a little fishing, and laid out on the deck together. One perfect day. I was glad that his Uncle was so liberal minded in his thinking afraid that after being caught that it would be the end.

Days later Rob called saying he had planned a big surprise for me in the evening. I laid awake in my room until I knew that my parents and Jake were in their rooms for the night and fast asleep. When I knew it was safe I carefully walked out down the stairs heading out the front door seeing Rob in his same truck waiting patiently for me.

"So what have you planned?" I said after I hopped into his front passenger seat.

"You'll see," he said smiling.

He drove further down the street past the more populated areas to a deserted section of the beach. We both got out and I followed him for what seemed like another mile. In the darkness, I could see the shapes of the large boulders but between them, there was a small narrow path guiding my hand seeing that it was a small cove with a pup tent and a sleeping bag big enough for two people. Also, I could see off to the side a group of rocks in a circle.

"I hope you like it," Rob said.

"It's perfect."

Rob knelled down pulling out a candle lighter from his backpack soon creating a blazing fire inside the ring of stones.

"Aren't we going to get into trouble for this?" I asked.

"No, one of the lifeguards is a friend of mine. He said it was alright as long as I was careful and put it out completely when I was done."

Tale of Two SurfersWhere stories live. Discover now