Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning seeing Rob awake outside the tent having put out whatever embers were left from our little bonfire from the night before.

"Did you sleep good?" he asked.

"Yeah, really well."

I got out of the tent searching for my clothes to put back on.

"I should get home."

"Yeah, I will drive you."

Rob and I were smiling all the way back to my house where he chose to discreetly park at the end of my block.

"See you later?" I said raising my eyebrows.


He leaned in cupping my face giving me a kiss almost touching our tongues together. I walked into the house seeing my Mom in the front hallway dressed in her morning clothes.

"Where you've been?"

"Woke up early. Decided I wanted to go on an early morning run."

"Okay. That's nice," she said smiling.

I hated lying to my Mom but I already knew what the alternative would be. I wouldn't have been able to deal with seeing the look of disappointment in her eyes that the great son she raised wasn't completely straight.

Rob and I were racking our brains figuring out how we could spend another night together until my Dad made an announcement that he and my Mom and Rob's parents were all going away together. It just so happened that one of the ad agencies' big accounts needed my father and Rob's professional expertise at some fancy resort hotel; however, didn't want to leave their wives at home so they all mutually decided to turn it into a working vacation. It was the perfect opportunity.

"While we are away keep tabs on Jake, will you?"

"Don't worry about a thing," I said. "Have a good time."

As soon as I could hear the car driving away I ran upstairs and grabbed an overnight pack back from under the bed. I started packing up some things that I had left out when Jake came into my room.

"Where are you going?" Jake said, "Mom said you were supposed to watch me this weekend."

"I know but I have plans."

"What kind of plans?"

"None of your business."

"But Mark?"

"I'll make you a deal," I said. "I will let you play all of my video games while I am gone if you promise not to say anything to Mom and Dad."

I stuck out my hand and said, "We got a deal?"

I could see Jake thinking it over in his head before he shook my hand.

"Okay, fair enough."

"Thanks. I will owe you."

I rode over on my bike slugging my backpack over my shoulder.

When I rang the doorbell Rob opened the door welcoming me inside.

"My parents just left five minutes ago," he said. "We got the whole house to ourselves."

I dropped my backpack and we both headed out to the pool stripping naked next to him. Rob ran towards the pool shouting "Cannonball" taking a knee wrapped plunge into the deep end. I soon dove in after him swimming under the water beginning to wrestle with him.

Rob came for air and gasped taking a breather.

"How did you get out of babysitting your little brother?"

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