Chapter 5

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The 4th of July festivities were in full swing all around Huntington Beach. In the morning they held a parade which all of us went to. Floats. Marching Bands. Politicians waving to the crowds.

Every day prior I went to the beach hoping I would see Rob there again but he never showed up. I soon stopped going taking a break from surfing for a couple of days. I truly felt my mind needed the break and the distraction.

As the day rolled on we all went to my house greeting family members who came from out of town having a big burger and BBQ feast. When the sun started going down I had made plans to go to the pier finding out it was the best spot to see the fireworks going off but as soon as I got closer to the beach I could see one lifeguard tower sticking out by itself. I looked more closely where I could have sworn I saw Rob sitting on the side of the tower with his legs dangling over the side. I wanted to investigate so rode my bike out in the places where the sand was hard and more densely packed which made it easier to ride.

I got to the tower and sure enough there I saw Rob just sitting deep in contemplation.


He lifted his head and said, "Hey."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, only that me and Christy broke up."

I walked up the ramp and sat down next to him.


Inside I felt something that this was an opportunity to explore more what was going on between us; although, on the other hand, I felt sorry for him.

"I thought you and her were good."

"Yeah, but she came to me finally and spoke up feeling there was something wrong between us."

"What you think happened?"

"I think she could tell that I wasn't into her anymore," he said. "That I cared more about somebody else."

It was at that moment that he looked to me with water in his eyes.


He sniffled and nodded.

"Ever since I met you I felt it. I don't know how or why I feel the way I do. It's just is."

"Honestly," I answered. "I've felt the same way."

He laughed wiping away his tears forming in his eyes.


"Yeah, I wasn't one hundred percent sure about you. I just had a feeling."

"So what does this make us?" he asked. "Definitely not straight. Bi? Gay?"

"I don't know. Bromosexuals?"

"There is such a thing?"

"Yeah, I found it searching the internet."

We both heard the fireworks start that made us look up seeing all the bright reds and blues bursting against the blackness of the night sky. I turned to Rob smiling that made him slowly lean his head sideways giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. It suddenly gave me a feeling that shot down my spine. I slowly reciprocated feeling his lips on mine and slid in giving him a hug resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me as we kept watching the fireworks together.

I woke up the next morning feeling a sense of elation. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. The worst case scenario would have been that it was all one sided and would have lost Rob completely but it didn't happen. We mutually decided to keep it a secret between us because we had no idea how our family and friends would react to our new found relationship.

I called Rob up to see if he would be free to come over. Jake was still at our neighbor's house having a sleepover and my parents weren't coming back for hours having taken a weekend getaway trip.

He came over right away and we both jumped into the pool roughhousing pushing each other down.

He hugged me close and started to whisper in my ear.

"I know you let me win."

I cringed and said, "Yeah, I did."


"Well, I didn't want to make you look bad in front of your friends."

"You stinker."

He dove down and grabbed at my swim shorts and pulled them down swiftly.

"You've never skinny dipped, have you?" he said when he came back up.

"No," I said laughing.

He smiled pulling down his own shorts and threw them over at the side of the pool. We embraced locking our lips together as we waded into the deep end. He held me up and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and neck. He gently kissed around my neck affectionately. Then he pulled away from me.

"Marco!" Rob said, dunking down.

"Polo!" I yelled.

I dunk down seeing him go back up.


I jumped back up to the surface.


I sighed taking a breath holding onto the side of the pool with him. It was all of a sudden I heard noises coming from the kitchen.

"Mark, you out there?" my Mom called out.

I turned to see just myself in the pool looking for Rob who was nowhere in sight.

My Mom opened the patio door which made me focus my attention.

"Mark, how did things go this weekend?" she asked. "Any troubles?"

I could immediately feel Rob slowly tugging at my penis below the water. I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. I had to really contain myself less my Mom suspected there was something wrong.

"Nope!" I exclaimed. "Nothing wrong."

As soon as she left Rob came back up letting out a deep breath.

"Fortunately I can hold my breath underwater for a few minutes," he whispered.

"That was close," I said.

"Yeah, but it was fun," he said, giving my penis another tug.

He gave me a rise that I could feel all throughout my upper body that made me shudder slightly.

"You have to go."

"I know."

"Go out the back fence."

He quickly gave me another peck and jumped out of the pool hightailing it out of the yard shutting the back gate behind him.

Rob and I took every opportunity finding legitimate reasons for being together. I explained to my parents that Rob was helping to train me if I were going to try and make it on to the high school's swim team. We met under the pier, secluded parks, anywhere and everywhere where we could have the time alone to talk which eventually led to some making out. It was the best part for me.

Tale of Two SurfersWhere stories live. Discover now