Workaholic Week

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Argh! This is why I hate going to the club. No matter how much fun and amazing it was, the next day is definitely hangover. As I swallowed the pill and moved outside my room, I found Debbie and Steff still in their slumber. We had a wild party yesterday.

Sundays for me are stocking day. I stock up the grocery and keep everything ready, from my dresses to the stationary, for the coming week. That way, it's much simpler and cheaper. Even though I'd love to eat every day in the classy French restaurant where Mr. Grumpy took me to, the truth was I could not afford it. The lunch reminded me of how Mr. Grumpy became distant at the mention of marriage. I immediately pulled my laptop and entered his name in the internet search. A lot of search results came within a fraction of a second.

'Humph, I can't read all of this.'

The next step was to do an image search with his name. A lot of pictures too.

'Hmm, a very public family then.'

I found his picture with a lot of gorgeous women. Each one was more beautiful than the other. I clicked on this picture which mentioned a marriage rumor. A picture with an elegantly dressed woman came forward. The woman was stunning. The message read:

'Famous billionaire and scion of Holden Enterprises, Alexander Holden with his rumoured girlfriend Regina Peterson, made their appearance at the launch of their new casino, The Crystal Dragon, in Las Vegas. A little birdie tells us that wedding bells are ringing for this popular couple. However, the company's Public Relations declined to comment on the same. Let's wait and watch for the confirmation from the love birds.'

I checked the date and the article was about a year and a half old. He did tell me that he was in China for the past one year which means something would've happened just before his China tour.

'Maybe she cheated him' my mind said.

'Or maybe he cheated her. You never know!' But somehow I was not happy with the second verdict. I finished my grocery trip. Once Debbie and Steff were awake, we just munched on food and watched the telly. I loved lazy Sundays. All I missed was my looong hot bath. Maybe next week then?

Monday was quick to come. As I reached my office at the usual time, I realized that Mr. Grumpy was already there. I wished him morning and placed his espresso onto the table. He just grunted which was also a cue for me to get out of the office. As I sat down on my chair, the intercom buzzed and I ran inside. Couldn't he tell me while I placed the Espresso?

"Where's Saturday's report, Ms. Wilson?" He glared at me.

"I'm working on it, Mr. Holden." I replied with a straight face. Was he serious? I just came to the office.

"Then work harder. Also, make sure that all the minutes are collated and submitted for approval. Get in touch with the construction engineer and get the action dates on each pointer." He yelled.

"Yes, Mr. Holden" I said as I hurriedly jotted the points in my notebook. After another ten minutes of barking instructions, he dismissed me. Phew! Looks like he was in a good mood.

This week was going to be just like last week. I was swamped with meetings, approvals, and documentation. But I made sure that I take lunch breaks at the right time. Just when I was leaving for my lunch break, Mr. Holden came out and was headed for the executive elevator.

"Where are you going?" Why should I tell him everything?

"Lunch Mr. Holden." I gestured towards my modest lunch. "Wouldn't you eat lunch?" He nodded.

"Martin will bring my lunch. Please take it and arrange it in the Chamber. I should be back in an hour." Without even waiting for my response, he got into the executive elevator and the doors shut. I wanted to shout that arranging lunch was Elsa's task but he was long gone. Anyways, how hard could it be to arrange the food?

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