Miss Me?

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The rest of the week was pretty straightforward. We had a couple of meetings and I caught him staring at me unabashedly. Sometimes I would stare back at him as if it was a competition, to find who blinks first. Generally, it would be me. However, he didn't speak anything to me except for some instructions.

It was Friday already. Morning was pretty dull. I was working on one of the documentations and the time was inching towards lunch. Someone knocked on my door.

'Who could that be? Ivan and Chris would simply bash in.'

"Hey! Come in!" I said cheerfully. I never thought I would hear myself say that ever. The door opened and Mr. Grumpy stood there, hands in his pocket.

"Oh my God! Isn't the intercom working?" I scrambled up on my feet.

"No." He said. "I mean I didn't check the intercom. I just came in here to let you know that I'm leaving for the day. I'll probably be away for the next week as well." He looked at me. This was the first time we actually spoke post our kiss episode.

"One full week?" I was surprised. I don't remember seeing any travel or out of station meeting.

"Miss me already?" There was a smirk on his face.

'Oh God! Isn't he so full of himself?'

"There was no travel plan in your planner. That's why." I so desperately wanted to prove that I won't miss him.

"It's not business but personal." He tilted his head without breaking his eye contact. Surely it should be Regina. What could be more personal than that?

"Sure Mr. Holden." I replied with a straight face. The staring competition was on. But this time, he broke the eye connection. He looked around curiously. I was a bit embarrassed about the mess on my table. I had a lot of knick-knacks and pictures pinned on my board. In comparison, his table would always be neat and tidy.

"Quite an office you've got here Ms. Wilson." He looked amused. He then stretched and plucked the tiny yellow card kept on the top of my papers. He read his name scribbled on the cover.

"Is it for me?" He was already opening the cover. He opened the card and glanced inside. He raised his brows in a questioning mode.

"I – I actually got it for you. To say a Thank you – You know, you saved me from that -" I had to clear my throat.

"When did you buy this?" He closed the card and put it back in cover.

"Last Monday" I shrugged.

So why didn't you give it to me yet?" He was curious to know

"I guess the circumstances were not very favorable." I replied. I couldn't give him the card with his girlfriend clinging onto him. And then there was the kiss episode. My lips tingled and I bit my lips.

"It is now, isn't it? Thanks Amy!" With that, he kept the card in the inside pocket of his suit, tapped it twice, and turned towards the elevator.

As I watched his retreating back I had an unexplainable feeling. I wouldn't see him for an entire week. I should be happy, isn't it? Somehow the feeling wasn't a happy one. I was a bit disappointed actually. I reprimanded myself severely. Was he correct? Do I miss him already?

The CIA gang was there for the lunch meeting. They wanted to try out a new club this weekend. After last week's fiasco, I wasn't very eager but I decided to try it anyways. It was a new club in town called The Tipping Point and had raving reviews.

Saturday evening turned out to be amazing and I had a good time with our gang. Sunday was lazy as usual and the following week was slow. Sometimes I would daydream and recall the kiss in my head. I couldn't believe it but I actually missed him. Why am I missing him? He would be with his girlfriend enjoying and here I am, thinking about him. Saturday rolled into Sunday and the week finished.

It was Monday and despite not wanting to, I was eagerly looking forward to reach office. Mr. Grumpy would be there and so I collected his Espresso from Starbucks. I walked in as usual and placed the Espresso on his table. Surprisingly, he was not in the office yet. Time moved swiftly and it was lunchtime. Confused, I went to Elsa.

"Hey! Wasn't Mr. Holden supposed to come today?" I didn't want to sound too desperate

"Somebody's waiting!" She winked. There goes my don't care attitude. I rolled my eye.

"Well! He has appointments." I said as if it was obvious.

"Yea, you're right." She shrugged. I believe she too had no idea about Mr. Grumpy. Should I message him? I have his number. Won't it look as if I'm frantic to meet him? Didn't he say about missing him? No, I can't message him.

Monday moved to Tuesday and then merged with Wednesday. When he didn't come by Wednesday morning as well, I couldn't stop myself. I pulled out my mobile and messaged

'Hi. How are you?' I wrote.

'Fine' I could imagine his response. Nope! I can't write that. I deleted the text and decided to write another one.

'Hi, You were supposed to come on Monday.'


Nada. Sounds as if I am complaining. Not this either. If he was supposed to reach back on Monday and isn't in office till Wednesday, then is he alright?

'Hi, are you safe?'

'Looks like someone is missing me!'

Eventually, I deleted all the messages and kept my phone back in my bag. Honestly, I was sad that he didn't come as promised.

It was Thursday and I wasn't sure if I should get his Espresso. I decided not to as I already wasted Espresso three times this week. It wasn't wasted per se as Elsa clinched it every time but still. As usual, I reached the office a bit early. Elsa was yet to come.

I decided to peek into Mr. Grumpy's office just to confirm that he is not in the office. I didn't knock because there was no one in the office for the past three days. As I leaned and put my weight on the door to open, it opened on its own, swinging inwards. I lost my balance and crashed into Mr. Grumpy. I was shocked and he was surprised as well but he held me strongly before we could crash into the floor.

"Looks like someone couldn't wait to meet me?" He smirked. I wasn't expecting any encounter. In fact, I wasn't expecting him at all.

"I'm so sorry – I was not expecting you. I thought you wouldn't come today" I tried moving away from him. Standing so close to him was bringing strange sensations to my body. He tilted his head and looked at me.

"So you didn't miss me?" He was still smiling and I was lost for words

"What I didn't do is getting your Espresso. I thought it'll be wasted just like the last three days, but I'll get it from the pantry." I rushed outside. I was already blushing and honestly was beaming that he is back.

Wait! Why was I so happy?

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