Conference Venue

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The next morning was easy. Since I already packed everything, all I had to do was to reach the airport at the right time. Two in the afternoon is what Mr. Grumpy said. I just had to make sure that I was outside the airport at the right time. Since I had no confirmation from the Travel desk, I had to wait for Mr. Grumpy. As I got down from my Uber, I saw him waiting outside the airport.

'Shit! Am I late?' I checked the time. There was still time. Maybe he came early? As he stood up, an attendant standing near him came to me and requested me to give my suitcase to him. Confused, I looked at Mr. Grumpy and he nodded. The attendant escorted us inside and asked us to wait in the business lounge while he went out. Within a few minutes, our boarding passes were provided. Wow! No queue, no baggage checking, and no frustration. The advantages of being rich!

Mr. Grumpy had my boarding pass and walked in front. He gave it to me as we approached the security check. Everything was smooth and within the next fifteen minutes, we were waiting for boarding the plane.

"Had lunch?" He asked. I missed my lunch as I didn't want to be late but I couldn't ask him to buy me lunch.

"I did." I smiled and prayed that my stomach wouldn't grumble at the right moment. It didn't. 'Good Tummy! Good Tummy!'

The announcement was made for people in the First class to board the flight. Mr. Grumpy got up while I waved him goodbye. I knew that the Economy class boards after the First class.

"Aren't you coming?" He was curious.

"The announcement is for First class passengers"

"That's right"

"Hmmm... I'm not a First-class passenger"

"Says who?"

"What do you mean?"

"Check your ticket."

"Oh my God! Mr. Holden, I told them to book Economy for me."

"I know. I had to cancel that ticket and book another one."


"If we don't board now, the plane will leave without us." With that, he walked in front. I hurriedly picked up my bag and followed him.

We were welcomed to spacious and luxurious seats. There were only two seats per side. Just two? Imagine that! The economy class cramps three seats in that space. This was my first time, and probably the last, in a First class and Mr. Grumpy & I were sitting together. As soon we eased into the seats, the flight attendants welcomed us and presented the drinks. I pulled the cold drink while he took a wine.

"Why did you cancel the other ticket?" I asked him again. I had to know.

"What is so difficult to understand in it? We are traveling to the same destination. Shouldn't we travel together?"

"Yes. Just that you are the boss and I'm a PA." He looked at me through those mesmerizing blue eyes and smiled but he didn't say anything. The flight attendant came and enquired about lunch. I was really hungry but I told him earlier that I had my lunch. 'Hump!'

"Yes, two lunch please" He instructed the attendant. Then he turned to me. "I know you didn't eat lunch. You said something though your stomach says something else" As if on cue, my tummy grumbled. 'Bad Tummy! Bad Tummy!'

"Thanks. Honestly, I am really hungry." I said sheepishly and laughed. The lunch was served and it was heavenly. It was no less than a three-star Michelin restaurant food, not that I've ever tasted that food but somehow I knew that this is how it would taste. I was so glad that I didn't miss it and for that, I was thankful to Mr. Grumpy.

The flight was a short 2-hour journey and we soon landed at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. A car was already waiting outside the airport and we reached the hotel within the next hour.

As we got down from the car, the representative from the conference came towards Mr. Grumpy. They wanted to discuss something about tomorrow's program. Mr. Grumpy turned towards me

"Amelia, I have a quick meeting. Please go ahead, check-in into your room, and take rest for today. Shall we meet for dinner at eight?"

"Okay, Mr. Holden." Our luggage was collected by the concierge and I was assured that the luggage will be delivered at my room soon. I walked towards the reception while Mr. Grumpy walked away with the representative.

"Hi, I have a room booked for the annual investor conference." I told the well-groomed receptionist.

"May I have your name please?" She gave a pen and a form to be filled.

"Amelia Wilson" I answered while I filled the form. The receptionist punched my name and waited for a few seconds.

"I am sorry Ma'am, but there is no reservation with the name of Amelia Wilson" She apologized. This wasn't good news. What if they registered with a different name?

"Can you please check if there's any reservation with Holden Enterprises?" I distinctively remember confirming the accommodation.

"Oh yes. There is a reservation with Holden Enterprises." I was relieved. She collected my form and gave me the key card. The room was on the eleventh floor.

I opened the door to find an expensively decorated Master Suite. It had a living room that was connected to a big bedroom and ensuite bathroom. The living room had a Television set and a huge coffee table which was full of snacks and fruits. I walked inside to the bedroom to find a spacious room equipped with twin beds. The bell rang and I went to open the door. Just as I opened the door, I got a call from Chris. I instructed the bell boy to place the luggage and picked up the call. I talked to her for about 10 minutes and updated her on the latest happening.

The time was seven in the evening. Mr. Grumpy had said about dinner at eight. I believe I had more than enough time for a good hot soak. I decided to wear my floral maxi dress for dinner. As I went to take the dress from the luggage, I saw a brownish-black leather bag as well.

'Uh-oh! Looks like they unknowingly sent Mr. Grumpy's bag in my room.' I wasn't sure where Mr. Grumpy would be. Shall I call him? Shall I text him? He said he has a meeting, didn't he? Maybe he'll call me to collect the bag. What if I'm in the bath at that time? Oh no! this means my looong hot bath is not happening today either.

I pulled my dress and lingerie and put them on the bed. I went to the bathroom and had a refreshing shower. I kept an eye on my mobile in between, just so I don't miss any calls from Mr. Grumpy. I wrapped a towel for my wet hair and another on my torso and came out of the bathroom.

I love the tiny bottles of moisturizers and body lotions that hotels provide. Being a five-star hotel, there were big squeeze tubes of body lotions. I took a rose-scented one and walked out of the bathroom. I switched on the television and started leisurely applying the body lotion to my body. I thought I heard a click but I dismissed it as the television was on.

Moments later, the tiny hairs on my back rose and I felt as if I am being watched. I spun quickly and had a mini heart attack. Imagine who stood in front of me? Or rather, imagine the way I stood in front of the unwanted visitor!

Bloody Fuck!

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