Engagement Ring

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As I woke up, the first awareness was about my surroundings. The mattress was just perfect, neither too hard nor soft. The bed sheets were light like a feather. The duvet was mushy and just the right amount of warmth. The light poured in but not very strongly due to the screen. Everything was different. Even the air smelled different.

I sat up straight and looked at the other side. Alex wasn't there, as expected. His side of the bed was rumpled, though. I couldn't hear any noise from the bathroom either.

'Did he leave already? Shit! What time is it?' I took my mobile phone from the side table only to realize that it was switched off. No wonder my alarm didn't ring.

'Argh! How could I be so stupid.'

I clambered down from the bed looking for a clock.

'Is there no bloody clock in this bedroom?'

I plugged in my mobile for charging and dashed to the bathroom to get fresh. After the quick shower, I realized that I didn't take my clothes to change. I never used to take my dress to the bathroom as I would dress up in my room. An image of myself in a white towel, facing Alex popped in my mind. God! That was so embarrassing. I should stop doing this. Then I remembered the connecting door to the closet. What an ingenious idea. I walked into the closet. Such a simple solution, isn't it?

I took my formals only to realize that it needs a good ironing.

'Fuck! Everything is going wrong today'

I pulled out my Jeans and a green top and quickly dressed up. I need to go down and ask the housekeeper about the iron box. My mobile charged up a bit and I got a mini heart attack when I saw the time. It was already noon. I slumped down on my bed. There's no point in going to the office now. By the time I get the things ready and reach there, it would be the time for evening coffee break. I mentally kicked myself.

'What should I do? Shouldn't I let Mr. Grumpy know?'

'He knows it already Dumbo. He would've seen you sleeping like a log!'

I wonder how I would have been sleeping? I decided to send across the message anyways.


'Hey! You're up!'

'I'm sorry, I overslept.'

'Don't worry, I know you slept by dawn.'

'How do you know that?'


'I need you to buy an engagement ring. 

Martin will take you to the jewelers. 

You can select whatever you want to.'


I walked down the stairs and found Elise in the kitchen. She was an elderly lady with her salt pepper hair pulled back into a tight bun. She smiled generously and I immediately felt comfortable.

'Shall I serve you brunch now Madam?' her voice was soft and tone motherly. I smiled and watched amazed as she kept different delicacies in front of me. After I finished my food, she introduced me to Grace, a girl of about my same age, who was to be my personal maid. Why would I need a personal maid though?

"Elise, could you tell me where the iron box is?"

"Don't worry Madam. Grace will take care of it." So that's why there's a personal maid. I felt a bit uncomfortable for I have taken care of myself all the time but I didn't argue.

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