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I woke up fresh the next day. As I climbed down from the bed, Alex called me from the balcony. Tightening my satin robe around my waist, I walked up to him. This bedroom was similar to the one in San Francisco, with an exception that there was no TV here.

He was sitting on the balcony having his coffee. He gestured me to sit. He showed me a piece of news on his mobile

'Billionaire and CEO of Holden Enterprises (HE), Alexander Holden was spotted catching the private jet to Los Angeles which is also the headquarters of HE. What's noteworthy is that he was accompanied by a mystery woman with dark auburn hair. As you can see, both, Alexander and the mystery woman are wearing rings indicating an engagement. If that is correct, we might be hearing the wedding bells soon. We would like to let our readers know that Ethan Holden, the youngest of Holdens is getting married in the next six months. (To know more about Ethan Holden, click here)

Our sources tell us that the mystery woman might be an employee of the Holden Enterprises in San Francisco though no confirmation has been received. We have reached out to the company's Public Relations who assured us that a statement will be released very soon.'

Along with the news was a very clear picture of Alex and me as we were climbing out of the car at the airport. Alex was facing the camera, holding the door while my back was to the camera. My right hand was on the car roof and I could, very easily, see my gold ring glinting on my ring finger.

"This was anyways expected. We would be releasing a statement about our engagement. Just know that you might get calls from some media but you can gracefully ignore them." I was sure he would've anyway thought about the action and plan. I nodded in agreement.

My mind drifted to the memory where I searched the internet about Alex and his girlfriend and came up with an article about Regina. Now, it was my name. I sighed.

"Are you okay? You need not worry about this" He was concerned.

"I am okay. I was just taken by surprise" I said.

He patted my hand as he got up. "Why don't you freshen up and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."

As I reached downstairs, there was a happy commotion there. Samantha rushed to me and hugged me. This is seriously a 'huggee' family. The ladies were happily arguing something with the men. As I sat down, Sam turned to me.

"Amy! How do you feel about being my Maid of Honor?" She gushed. I was floored and could hardly say anything. "I know it's a surprise and a bit abrupt but Alex is the best man and I would love it if you'd accept it. It would be just perfect."

"I'd love to Sam! Thank you so much but -" I faltered "– but I don't know anything. I'm clueless" My mind was stuck.

"Don't worry! There's still time. Today is lady's day out. We are going to finalize your bridesmaid dress and then to the salon & spa for the much-needed pampering. The men will take care of everything here." She spoke in her cheerful tone. "Next Wednesday is the golden birthday celebration but we three will go for that shopping later."

The day turned out to be so much fun that I enjoyed every moment. Fran, Sam and I gelled so well that it felt as if I've known them forever. The bridesmaids were supposed to wear different shades of purple and my measurements were taken quickly. With a promise that my attire will be delivered along with the others, we set out for the next destination for some much-needed pampering.

It was early evening by when we reached home laden with shopping bags. I freshened up and went down. Anna was in the living room and she smiled at me as I approached her. I sat beside her and she took my hands in hers and rubbed it gently.

"Tell me about you Amelia, I want to know everything about you." She said kindly

I told her about my family – how my dad left and how well my mom took care of us. I told her about her second marriage and the happy family I have at home. I skipped a bit of detail about Alex and stuck to the story that I created. She was smiling, lapping every word I said. A tiny needle poked my heart 'Aren't I cheating her?'

"I was worried that Alex might just plan a maneuver and marry Regina." She said softly.


I was surprised. She knew about Regina and she knew that her son could have an act planned. The needle pierced in further. 'God! Forgive me'.

"I know it's a short time but if he is marrying you, I have no doubt that he loves you." She spoke slowly. 'If only she knew'. "But tell me, do you love him?"

'Shit! Shit!'

"I do." I kept it as short as possible. What if I open my mouth and create a blunder. She smiled warmly.

"When did you realize that you love him?" she looked at me expectantly. I never thought about this question. As per our pre-set story, we just fell in love. Just like the way an apple fell on Newton's head! There weren't any how's and why's.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

"Alex saved me once and that's when I realized that though he is Mr. Grumpy outside, he cares for others. We became friends and then – slowly, we realized we both have feelings for each other." I tried my best to convince her while she laughed out loud.

"Mr. Grumpy? Yes, I guess that name suits him well." She wiped the happy tears from her eyes. "He has always been like this. Keeping his desires away for others. I hope you will give him all the happiness in the world and call me selfish but I hope I'll see a junior soon."

'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!'

I smiled at her as she looked into the fire and started telling me about her happy life. I imagined myself as an old woman.

'Would I be lucky enough to sit contently by the fire and talk to my kids and grandkids?'

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