Teens rant on Romance 🌚😍💔

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Romance!!! We see this action on the screen most times, two people dating, falling in love and stuff 😒 bleh! 😂😂 just kidding, but bleh! 😒

Is Teen Dating right? 😐

Queen - It is normal but I prefer to date unwanted characters in books

Nike -  Teen dating I feel is normal  but unnecessary.

Rita - Why do you say that?

Nike - Why go into something that wouldn't last? You stand to loose a lot of things.

🌚 This is going to be an interesting one.


While some teens will start dating earlier than others, romantic interests are normal and healthy during adolescence— or is it? Some kids are more overt or vocal about their interest in dating but most are paying attention and intrigued by the prospect of a romantic life, even if they keep it to themselves.

Today's teens spend a lot of time texting and posting to potential love interests on social media. For some, that can make dating easier because they can test the waters and get to know one another online first. For those teens who tend to be shy, meeting in person can be more difficult or awkward, especially since kids spend so much time tied to their electronics at the expense of face-to-face communication.

I have had so many online relationships without meeting the person I am supposedly involved with 😂😂

Who else is on that boat?

Cherry - Like me😂... It's weird for me to see people face to face. I prefer chatting, and I hate phone calls

Rae - Not me😂 anyways I used to be extremely shy but then then I realised I could be a better person by trying to be comfortable with new people.

Nike - I prefer seeing face to face

Queen - I'm on the boat where I form relationships with book characters and lose them after the book ends or the author decides to kill them😊

Social media is a top venue for flirting

While most teen romantic relationships do not start online, technology is a major vehicle for flirting and expressing interest in a potential partner. Along with in-person flirting, teens often use social media to like, comment, “friend” or joke around with someone on whom they have a crush.

♊ - I don't think all teens get in relationships date for fun.
I feel some are actually serious, but they choose the wrong person to be serious with.

I strongly agree with this statement above.

Amba - Teen dating is normal na😂 but I feel it's a distraction. We as teens have to focus on our studies first the rest should be secondary. I believe if the love is really true it will never end.

Meewee - Sometimes you just need to do it to get the experience but their are some people who are not down for dating in their teens.

Cherry - Distance relationship, online relationship, I don't totally support it. I prefer knowing the person face to face, then we can back it up with social media.

Rae - I've never tried it before but I guess if you guys are committed it can work, but it's going to be difficult.

Ashawo - Pending on the age of the partners if you ask me.
If they are both not independent, I believe it won't work out eventually. They'd just waste each other time.

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