Rita rants on future partners 😍😍

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Whether it ranges from tall to short girls, fair to dark guys, slim to plus size or big boobs to peanuts size, we all have that qualities in our head we want our future partners to possess.

Here's mine, he should be tall, flat tummy & abs, handsome, I don't really care about the complexion, caring, understanding and romantic– he should be very good in bed.

Now, you might look at me and laugh for wanting my future husband to possess all this qualities, but you can't deny that you would want almost exactly the same thing from yours.

It's nature to want things, it's nature to wish for things. We may not always get what we want, but that won't stop us from thinking about it.

I have many celebrity crushes, like I am sure most of you reading this do, I may not have Harry Styles in reality but that doesn't stop me from kissing him in my dreams, and you can't do anything about that, because he belongs to me, he is the Harry Styles of my dream, not anyone else.

Same thing goes for you, the man you have in your head is yours, no one else. But the question we all ask ourselves

Are we really going to get our dream husband/wife? Or maybe something close to it.

What if we aren't our dream husband's 'dream' wife? Then what happens?

Teenagers out there listen to me, don't believe in the lie of romance novels, or cliché books. If the Kissing booth was reality, (I have forgotten the guy name but let's call him Jason) Jason wouldn't end up with El (that's her name right? Whatever), he would probably go for someone taller and prettier.

Same goes for To All the Boys, or any teenage love films or books out there, were the girl always get a happy ending.


When I was just thirteen I read hundred romance books, and I remember I always go

Wow! I can't wait to get married, my husband will wake me up with breakfast in bed, he will hold me tight from behind when I'm cooking and we will make love all night long

Believe it or not, at age thirteen I was already thinking that and I always thought I would have that, till I grow up and understood the wonders of men and reality.

I am not saying it's impossible to get your dream husband or wife. I am saying, take care of your heart, this world or the people in it don't give two fucks about your dream because they are busy chasing theirs, you may not get your dream husband, but pray to God for a good husband. A good husband that will love you and care for you.

I once heard of a young couple, the lady had just met the guy and she said he was everything she ever wanted, eight month later, they got married and a week later, her face married bruises. She went with the looks the man had, ignoring his ugly side.

That handsome man you see on the streets, or woman, that always make your knees go weak, that makes you stutter, you imagine the both of you married, with children and all that. Your imagination will only show you the side you want to see, not the side that reality holds.

We are still young, some of us are soft at heart, we are fragile. No one wants to get their heart broken, so let's all tread carefully. Ask God to show you the right part which he has made for you, not the part you have created in your head.

Wow, look at me being all preachy 😂😂 I didn't say stop dreaming oo, just know that reality isn't like that. Men can be lazy and women can be stupid, no one is perfect.

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