Rita rants on Depression 😶😟

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Depression Depression Depression, want to know a funny fact? There are two types of people in relation to this

A. Those who are actually depressed.

B. Those who want to be depressed.

The second part may sound crazy to you, who would want to be depressed? Some people will never admit it even to their self that they think 'depression' is the new 'cool'. They go around telling everyone they are depressed, example

Martha: Hey Luke, long time no see, how are you doing?

Luke: Yo! I've been alright, ya know, still dealing with depression and shit.

Martha: What? Depression?!

Luke: Yeah! I'm depressed like shit!

Me: Shut your mouth #$&#$%!!

Do you think someone like that is really depressed? Just because you're unhappy and sad at a particular moment doesn't mean you're depressed. Some people even announce proudly


😒 Are you?


Let's move on

Depression is a mood disaster that can affect a person's daily life. It's described as living in a black hole, it's having a feeling of having impending doom. When hopelessness and despair takes hold and just won't go away. Others feel lifeless, empty and apathetic.

This are what depressed people go through, it happens and it's real, and at a certain point, most of us have felt depressed in one way or the other, but it's mild and goes away when we are cheered up.

Sometimes Depression can be mistaken as Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is the serious shift in moods, energy, thinking, behaviour. It's at times overlooked and misdiagnosed as depression, but it isn't, it's something entirely different.

We all need to learn how to love one another, that friend you feel you have been excluding from certain events and gathering, bring him/her in, stop bullying, be nice. Seriously, it wouldn't kill to be nice. Whenever you notice a change in your friend's behaviour, something unusual, bring them friend close, talk to him/her, show them love, do everything you can to make them see the light.

Let's fight depression in any way we can.

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