Chapter three

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Izuku's POV

When I got home I was met with a very touchy kacchan. He grabbed my waist pulling it into his while biting his lip. He looked me up and down like I was a four course meal. I blushed when I felt his erection against my stomach. That's how small I am compared to him. His hips were at my stomach and my head was at his shoulders.

"Bout time you got home. Need you to do what your best at and please me." He said picking me up with ease. My arms and legs wrapped around him as he carried me upstairs to our bedroom. I don't know why but I felt so dirty. Like I was cheating on Dabi even though that makes no sense.

Kacchan tossed me on the bed and started stripping his clothes. He stopped halfway though when he saw I wasn't getting undressed. "What's the matter with you?"

"N-nothing I'm just kinda tired is all..." I said looking away from him.

"So you'd rather I go about my night sexually frustrated? How is that fair? I thought husbands were supposed to take care of each other. Or are you a bad husband too?" He said crossing his arms.

I sighed and started to take my hero costume off. I wish he wouldn't talk to me like that. Makes me feel so small. He climbed on top of me and attacked my lips. His were so rough and tasted like alcohol. Where as Dabi's were soft and sweet.

The kiss heated up and his hands raomed my body like they were looking for something. I couldn't help but moan at his neediness. Even though his words hurt I know deep down  he's just desperate to keep me here. Like he's afraid I'll leave him.

"You want my cock deku?" He said between kisses. To be honest I just wanted to go to bed but I didn't want him upset so I nodded.

He smirked and spread my legs entering me without any prep. I cried out digging my nails into his shoulders. Tears fell from my eyes as he laughed. "A slut like you doesn't need to be prepped. Take it like the whore you are!"

He started thrusting at a fast pace making the tight ring of muscles ache around his cock. "P-please slow down!"

"Take it like a man deku! #1 hero like you should be able to take anything!" He growled gripping my hips so tight I'm sure their bruised. I covered my face with my arms and cried. The pain had subsided but my heart was aching. I wanted Dabi...

He moved my arms to the side and grabbed my jaw harshly. "Do you love me deku?" He said still moving in and out of me.

I nodded quickly scared of what he'll do if I take to long to answer. He said good in an evil tone before slapping me. I held my stinging cheek as he came in me.

He pulled out before laying on his side of the bed and falling asleep. I sighed in relief staring up at the ceiling. Why can't he be how he was in high school. We use to be a power couple. Now we're the couple that makes a scene everywhere we go. More tears fell from my face as my phone lit up.

From shoto:
Come to my house now.

I was surprised cause shoto's never so demanding. I got up and dressed in tight jeans and a hoodie before looking back at kacchan. He won't even notice I'm gone.

When I got to shoto's house he pulled me into his office where a big white bored was. "Shoto what's going on?"

"I followed you after that villain today." He said crossing his arms.

My eyes widened and I started to panic. "Oh really? S-sorry i didnt get him. He got away from me again..."

"That's not what's important." He said. I gave him a worried expression. Did he see me kissing dabi?! "I looked through the window of that bar and I saw their next mission. I tried recreating it on this board. But their main goal is to get shigaraki out of prison."

"Oh that's it?"

"What do you mean 'that's it'? This is big! Now we can catch all of them!" He said pointing to the board.

"Oh ya of course! So tell me their plan.." I said looking around nervously.

"They'll have toga go in first camouflaged as a security gaurd. She'll go into the camera room and stall the cameras so twice can sneak in and make a double of the warden. He'll get into the master control room and unlock all the cells. They'll be doing this while shigaraki is at yard time. That way all the guards will focus on the inmates inside. Then by helicopter dabi and Kurogiri will come in and take him from the yard. The only part of the plan I don't know about is how twice and toga will escape unless they can just run and not get caught." He explained while pointing to different parts of the plan on the board.

Wow... this is very thought out. I don't know how I'll be able to help the hero's while my feelings for dabi are growing. "They certainly thought it through. I guess that's why he broke into that government office. To steal the prison blueprint most likely."

"Also to steal shigaraki's daily schedule to know where he'll be and when. And the codes for the main doors." Shoto said.

"Wow you really thought it through. Have you contacted the police?" I asked.

"Yes they said they'll tighten up on security and be ready for them." He sat down at his desk.

This isn't good. Dabi will get caught for sure. And if I'm expected to help there's no way I'll be able to let him off this time. "What happened when dabi pulled you into that bar? I was looking for you when I saw their plan. So what happened to you?"

I froze a little but swallowed hard and acted natural. "Oh um. Dabi tried interrogating me but I wouldn't say anything."

"And he just let you go? Seems odd." He eyed me suspiciously.

"Ya I thought so to but maybe he just saw no use for me." I scratched the back of my head.

"Hmm alright. Well how was bakugou when you got off work? Was he drunk again?" He said now worried about my relationship.

"He had been drinking but not drunk. I don't know if I can stay with him much longer shoto..." I said tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He stood from his desk and pulled me into a hug.

"Do what your heart tells you too midoriya. You shouldn't stay with someone who abuses you just cause you wear a ring." He said. I balled into his chest now.

"I love him! I really do it's just... I think I found some else... I feel awful! I cheated on my husband todoroki! And I wasn't drunk like he was when he cheated on me! I was completely sober and chose to do it! I'm an awful person! I don't deserve kacchan.." I sobbed.

"You're right you don't deserve him. You deserve so much more then him. And if you found someone new I say give it a try.. bakugou may have been good for you all those years ago but he's toxic now. You need a break from him midoriya." Todoroki released our hug so he could wipe my tears. "Just be strong."

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