chapter 3: Kara part 2

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A/N I don't own anything nor do I pretend to own anything. No copyright infringement is intended and I do not profit from this. Please don't be afraid to inform me of any spelling or grammatical errors. The ages don't line up mostly so ignore them. I also am using most of the original glee characters and not some of the newer ones.

After everyone's finished laughing at Kara In High school they all sit in silence until Alex breaks the ice. Turning towards Kara "when were you going to tell me you were part of a glee club?" The question was simple but everyone with half a brain cell could hear the underlying threat; tell me or I make you tell me. Kara shifted uncomfortably on her seat letting out a nervous laugh, Supergirl or not her sister was scary when she wanted to be. "How's never sound?" Alex started to get up from her chair when the voice in the ceiling started talking again. "Alright, no fighting let's start the next set of videos. We've seen Marley Rose now we get to meet Kara Danvers: Supergirl." The video starts to play but Jake holds up a hand "Wait. Are you telling me I dated an alien?" Blaine laughs "Seems like it hasn't quite sunk in yet"  Kara looks at Jake with a frown "Yeah but you also cheated on one" Jake freezes then gestures to the ceiling to start playing the video.

The video starts.

Jake is seen pushing around Kenny. "Ken, my man. In the future, I'd be careful. Would hate for you to have some kind of accident You know?" Kenny walks over to Kara "I hat football players." Kenny sits down "They're a bunch of chunky sadists"

The football players look mildly offended.

Kenny continues. "If they only knew the dirt I had on them they'd be treating me like royalty." Kara looks confused "What do you mean?"  "It's amazing what people will say around you when they think you're invisible."  "Invisibility huh. Is that your superpower Kenny Li?" Kenny nods the leans in like he's telling a secret "But the asthma is what gets me the girls."

Everyone laughs and Kara smiles sadly. "Was he your friend?" Kurt asks "Yeah. He was. A very good friend.

"I wish I could be invisible"

"Poor Kara," Barry says with mock sadness "She only got stuck with heat vision and flight and super strength and x-ray vision and freeze breath and... " Kara shoves her hand over Barry's mouth "Alright we get it. Now can you please stop talking." Barry finally manages to shove  Kara's hand off his face. He pouts. "For you. My superfriend anything" 

"I can't say or do anything without her blowing up at me"

Alex puts her hand on Kara's knee as if to remind her that she's here now

"She'll come around," Kenny says  "She just misses her dad" "I miss people too" Kara responds "I'm not lashing out at the world" Kenny looks her in the eyes "That's because you're the strongest girl I've ever met." 

As Kara's eyes start to water Alex grabs her in a hug, leaving the rest of them to wonder what happened to Kenny Li.

Kenny smiles conspiratorily. "What are you doing tonight?" Kara looks at him with curiosity "Absolutely nothing." "Perfect. Meet me at the clearing off of high berry road at ten o'clock." Kara shifts in her seat "Ookay" They continue talking.

Scene shift. Kara walks into the clearing and Kenny looks up to greet her. "Welcome, Kara Danvers to the spectacle of the stars" Kara laughs "Take a look" "Is that yours?" Kara asks incredulously. "My pride and joy" Kara takes off her glasses and looks into the telescope "It's beautiful." "And for the tour de force I introduce you to Galileo!" Kara laughs again "What is that?" Kenny brings the laptop over "Without bogging you down with all the specifics, what I've constructed here is way to take what this telescope sees and capture it in photographs to directly download to my laptop."  "That's so cool"

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