Ch. 2

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Shooting up I gasped and coughed for air 

"She's awake" 

"She's awake" 

"Go tell master!" voices yelled out. When I caught my breath I looked around to see fairies flying around 

"Silly girl, we are fairies," one said smiling 

"Huh?" my throat and mouth dry

"Here drink this" one of them insisted pushing a cup of liquid toward my lips forcing me to drink it. I gulped it down realizing it was water 

"Ah, it seems you're alive after all. I was starting to think you weren't" a man standing at the door frame said 

"Master!" the fairies yelled out 

"Sorry, but where am I?" I asked 

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Elliot, El for short, and you are?" he sat on the bed, which I was in, 

"It's not important. I'm no one anyways" I sulked 

"That's no way to act! You know what will make you feel better, Tea!" immediately he commanded the fairies to fix him two cups of tea "Now answer me this 'no one', do you remember how you got here?" he asked I shook my head "Huh really? Well, Oberon found you floating in a river he was passing" the tea arrived "Ah, this should help your attitude" he held the cup close taking a sip and humming with delight from it. I took a sip of the translucent liquid comforted by its warmth "That's good, now tell me where you're from?" 

"Nowhere important" 

"Hm, any family?" I shook my head "No family, no name, and you're from nowhere" he suddenly jumped from the and pointed at me "From now on, you'll be my apprentice and your name will be..." he thought intensely "Alexandra" 

"What am I an apprentice for?" I asked 

"Well, I'm what you call a mage but I mostly deal with creatures and medicine" he explained sounding crazy and unreal but what I've seen. It seemed possible. "Come I'll show you around," he said as he lifted me up, taking me around the house. It was a three-story house with the 3rd-floor an attic space. The house was made mostly of wood and seemed antic or old fashion. Besides the fairies, there were other small creatures that lived around the house. 

After showing me around inside the house he took me to a garden outside that was filled with herbs and vegetables of every kind

"Now I need your help with some chores," he said grabbing us both a coat as there was a cool breeze blowing meaning it was either fall or early winter wherever I was. We walked down a gravel road that had houses on either side. Eventually, it led to a town that was small only having 3 shops and 1 coffee shop. Entering one of the shops we were met with shelves and shelves of various items

"I'll be there in a second!" a person yelled out as a crash was heard in their direction

"Don't worry Daisy it's only me, Elliot" he announced

"Oh Elliot, it's great to see you again!" a lady in a pink dress and an apron with her hair in a bun with a smile on her face came around the corner "and who is this pretty lady?" 

"This is Alexandra, she's my new apprentice" he boasted 

"Another apprentice, what happened to the last one? Did you run her off" they both laughed 

"No, Tiffany wanted to go off on her own for a little bit," Elliot told her 

"Well you know where everything is" she said walking off toward the back 

"Thanks Daisy! Now come Alexandra, follow me" he said leading me up and down the aisles of shelves filled with books, items, bottles, and charms

"Why exactly are we here?" I asked emotionless. He handed me some books and other items

"In order for you to be an apprentice. You need to study first before trying anything" we continued on in the store for about an hour before checking out. 

As Elliot and Daisy were talking to each other I stood behind admiring the creature sitting on a chair near the counter with its mouth open while sleeping. 

'Maybe just maybe' I thought before sticking my hand in its mouth just as it woke up. It bit me making my finger, slicing it open. I pulled my hand back with no emotion as it growled 

"Alexandra, what did you do?" Elliot asked looking concerned I looked down at my finger 

"Oh, let me help you with that hon, wait here," Daisy said as she went and got bandages to wrap my finger up 

"Are you ok you didn't yell in pain?" Elliot asked 

"He has sharp teeth so she probably didn't feel it, Elliot" Daisy addressed "There all fixed up," Elliot said goodbye to her as we left picking up some ingredients before back. 

During dinner, Elliot noticed I wasn't eating and told me I could go to bed if I was tired so I did. 

That night, I thought about how I got here 'Why am I here? What's the point? This isn't what I wanted' 

"I was supposed to die," I said turning over facing the window next to the bed. Looking out I saw a small lake nearby I thought about it then got up and went out to it. I made sure to be quiet walking through the house before sprinting out to the lake and standing at its side. I bent over to look at my reflection then let gravity take over. As I fell into the water, I heard murmuring above me. I didn't care as I let all the air out until I couldn't breathe anymore before feeling a splash in the water before someone grabbed me and pulled me taking me back up to the surface, I opened my eyes and gasped for air while coughing 

"Are you ok? What happened?" Elliot asked lying next to me soaked in water 

"She fell in" 

"She bent over and fell in," the fairies told him 

"Why were you out here?" he asked his voice concerned and serious. I caved in on myself thinking about what he was going to do

"I saw the lake outside" I mumbled he sighed got up and laughed 

"Well if you want to see it, you can. Just be careful not to fall in again" he said lending me a hand "Now let's get you dried off" we both went inside and dried off then went back to our rooms. 

'What the hell? He laughed. He didn't hit me'  I thought as I went to sleep with another unsuccessful attempt. 

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