Ch. 5

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Alexandra woke up the next day in her room "Huh?" she said wondering how she got back there. The door opened

"Ah, you're awake good. How are you feeling?" he asked leaning against the doorframe

"Fine, thank you" she mumbled 

"Breakfast is ready. Come down when your dressed" he flashed a little smile before walking away. Alexandra moved her eyes from the door to outside. There were sounds of birds chirping happily she sighed frustrated

"Take a fucking hint," she said getting up and dressed then heading downstairs to a wonderful aroma of delicious food "It smells good" she muttered sitting down 

"Thanks, it's a recipe I got from my mother," he said sitting down. Alexandra's stomach dropped "Let's eat," Elliot said digging in and eating the food. It was silent until Elliot spoke "So where are you from?" he asked picking up some food with his fork eating it

"Nowhere" she answered dodging it 

"Well, what do you usually like doing?" he tried again this stumbled her 

"I don't do anything" she slowly responded Elliot tried not to be discouraged 

"I know! Rock skipping! Have you ever done that?" he exclaimed 

"What's that?" Alexandra remarked

"Come on outside I'll show you," Elliot said gesturing for her to follow him. She walked with him to the lake "Now what you do is you get a rock" he bent down and grabbed the closet rock "Try and set a flat down. The point is to see how many times you can skip the rock across the water" his rock skipped twice before falling into the water "You're probably better than me. Try it" 

"This is dumb," she said picking up a rock

"You only think it's dumb because you're never tried it. Try it" he urged her so she did. She skipped the rock, it skipped across 4 times before falling into the water "That's it! You're a natural at this" he tried again only skipping once. Alexandra tried again and the rock skipped halfway across the lake "Man you're so good at this" Alexandra felt proud of herself almost smiling. They continued to do this until sundown where they headed back. "Wasn't that fun! You're a natural at it" Elliot complimented 

"I guess it was fun. It still seemed stupid to do" she commented 

"We'll try something tomorrow that isn't stupid," Elliot said as they both parted going to their own room. 

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