Ch. 6

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The next day Elliot set up a scavenger hunt around the house and yard. After he set it up, he told the fairies to wake up Alexandra and get her to start it. Elliot went to the end. 

When the fairies finally woke Alexandra up, they lead her down to the kitchen where there was a note on the tables in front of three small containers filled with different ingredients. Alexandra picked up the note: "Morning Alexandra, I hope you slept great last night. Since yesterday was so stupid, I decided something that will be fun. I've set up a scavenger hunt around the place with various questions that will lead you. I"m at the end of the hunt. The fairies will help you if you need it. Good luck and have fun!" 

"A scavenger hunt? Sounds lame" she scuffed

"Oh no, this shouldn't be lame. Master spent all morning setting it up" one fo the fairies said 

"Come on let's start! What does the question say?" another asked Alexandra picked up the other note

"Question 1: In front of you there are three containers, each filled with something different. Which one causes an explosion when used?" Alexandra looked at the three little containers on the table

"Well, this is dragon leaves" pointing to the bright red leaves with flakes of gold in them "Purple leaves" maroon-purple leaves with a foul smell coming from it "These are--" 

"Nectar orange marines," the fairies said flying around 

"Those are so sweet" 


"Delicious," they all said Alexandra seemed annoyed by this 

"Well it's not that those aren't explosive but sweet" she started moving that aside while examining the other two "Aren't those leaves dangerous?" one fairy asked pointing to the dragon leaves. Alexandra grabbed it and saw a note written under there 

"Great job! Head to the garden but hang on to this you'll need it for the surprise" she put the dragon leaves in her pocket while walking through the house toward the garden. Another note was on the door of the garden

"The garden holds many ingredients for the surprise. In order to find them, you have to answer these 7 questions!

1) What plant's name is the opposite of what it is?

2) What grows deep underwater? 

3) What is sweet but salty at the same time?

4) Where is the everglades leaves grown? 

5) What is a five-letter word in this garden? 

6) What do the fairies harvest 9 times a year?

7) The answer you seek may be in the forest of green

"This is a lot," one fairy said 

"What do we harvest?" another asked without saying anything Alexandra went out the door heading straight to the far side of the garden snapping off a lovedark flower with a note attached to it. She continued around the garden collecting all that she needed before heading into the forest with the fairies trailing behind. As Alexandra walked through the forest, she followed the signs on the trees that guided her to a lake where Elliot stood by a cauldron

"Great job! I knew you would find them all!" he graduated her 

"So, what are we doing with these ingredients?" she asked while handing him the items 

"Just wait and see," he said as he dumped the correct amount in the cauldron before stirring them up and chanting something over it. Suddenly little rockets of light came flying out of the pot. They went everywhere randomly until eventually, they made a horse and person. These pictures moved around a gif that told a story

"What is happening?" Alexandra asked in awe

"A story. You see one day this person stumbled upon this horse who was tapped so they freed the horse and took care of them. Only the horse was scared of the person because others had trapped the horse. But the person tried their best to earn the horse's trust until eventually, he did. Then the horse and person became really good friends" the two lights ended with the person riding on the horse and being happy

Alexandra smiled as she listened then her smiled dropped as she thought about this "I ugh" she noticed the sun going down

"Let's head on back. It's starting to get dark" Elliot said as they all started walking back. 

"I'm going to head to bed for the night," Alexandra told Elliot when they got to the house. Elliot nodded letting her. Calmly Alexandra walked up toward the room until she sprinted shutting the door and falling on the floor. "No, no, no this isn't happening" she mumbled as she held her head from the pain that rushed through it. Her thoughts flooded over like a bridge broke inside her mind. Negativity plagued her mind making her doubt what she had 

'Why believe him? He's just using you?' 

'He doesn't care' 

'You shouldn't be here, remember?' 

'He's just like your dad' 

Alexandra cried out as the last one hit hard. 

'You didn't want to be here right, then what's stopping you?' she stopped crying 

'You're just a replacement. You mean nothing to him. Just another apprentice he'll use then throw away when he doesn't need you anymore' Alexandra didn't want to admit it but that was right. He had one before her and look where she is now? 

"He only took me in because he felt sorry for me," she said getting up she climbed out the window onto the roof. While standing she looked around, it was black as it was night time. The only sounds to be heard were the sounds of crickets chirping. Slowly Alexandra walked to the edge of the roof and looked down "That's what they mean when they say it looks soft" she muttered before closing her eyes and leaning forwards falling off the building. 


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