Ch. 4

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During one of my lessons, Elliot decided I needed to meet one of his friends and his apprentice. We packed up and headed over there which wasn't a long way away. Just on the other side of the little town that way. We pulled up to a house that was brick with two stories and plenty of space around the front and back of the house. We went up to the door and rang the bell then a red-haired girl came around the side 

"Oh Mr. Elliot so nice to see you again," she said 

"Chise, hi. This is Alexandra, Alexandra this is Chise, Elias's apprentice" he introduced us

"Hi," she said 

"Hey" I waved and muttered

"Where's Elias?" Elliot asked 

"Oh he's --" suddenly the door opened revealing a huge monster thing 

"Elliot, what brings you here?" the monster asked 

"I needed to talk to you actually. Alexandra, you can stay with Chise maybe she'll teach you something" he said as he walked in the with the monster named Elias

"He looks strange doesn't he?" Chise asked walking up to me

"Elias?" she nodded "What is he?" 

"No one knows. Are you Elliot's apprentice?" she asked as we walked to the back of the house

"I guess" I stated staring at the garden they had filled with everything you could possibly plant 

"So, what have you learned while with him?" Chise asked 

"Many things. Mostly potions" I said admiring one of the plants

"He is well known for potions and herb use," she said looking at one of the other plants. While her back was turned, I took the plant and the effects of it started immediately without a beat. I broke out as hives grew on me

"Oh, shit Alexandra," Chise said coming over to me before calling out for Elias and Elliot. I blacked out. 


I heard mummers before they became clear voices. I shot up and gasped for air

"Alexandra, you're awake!" Chise yelled making Elliot and Elias turned I said nothing but looked down

"Alexandra" Elliot softly said coming over to me. I flinched "What did you do?" He asked 

"She ate--" Chise was shushed by Elias as he took her out of the room, I looked up at Elliot 

"I ate something," I told him 

"Do you know what you ate?" he asked his voice softer than normal I shrugged lying about it. "It was a plant that was deadly. You've learned about them. You could have died Alexandra" he emphasized the last part 

"Are-are you mad at me?" I asked he shook his head 

"It was an accident plus how could I expect you to know all the plants when they all look similar" he smiled I nodded before he left the room. I laid down looking up at the ceiling 

"Another failure," I said rolling over "I just want to go" I cried silently eventually falling asleep. 


Elias and Elliot went into Elias's office alone

"I see what you mean now," Elias said sitting down Eliot sighed 

"I don't know what to do. Oberon brought her to me after she showed up in the lake. I've been trying hard to be gentle with her but nothing seems to work. Chise was similar, wasn't she? How did you change her?" Elliot asked Elias sat back in his chair and thought 

"Trust, I guess. She was like this at first but eventually with time we learned to take care and trust each other" Elias explained 

"How exactly do I get her to trust me?" 

"Get to know each other" Elliot thought about it before nodded and heading out thanking Elias fo the talk. Elliot walked back to the room Alexandra was in to see she was asleep. Smiling he carefully picked her up before headed back home. 

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