Ch. 3

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The next few days Elliot had me reading everything in the books from the store then more from his house. He then had me read them out loud as he did each spell or potion in them to see how they were done. On one I made another attempt. 

As I was reading it out loud, I noticed there was a warning about how not to use this certain ingredient or some monster will come out. So I did. 

"What does it say next?" Elliot asked putting the last item in 

"Three splashes of horn toad saliva" reading out the ingredient 

"Hm, you sure?" he asked 

"I'm sure," I said nodding he shrugged before grabbing and putting it in there. We continued to finish the list before an explosion happened and black sludge came out of the pot. Elliot wasted no time in getting up and getting rid of the thing as it roared and climbed out of the pot before jumping straight on me knocking us over. As the thing tired to consume me, Elliot grabbed another pot and traped it in before shutting it tight

"THere that should hold it, are you alright?" he asked helping me up. I nodded before he walked over to the book reading it. I held my head down "Ah so you see how this is bolded and in parentheses. That is what we don't put into the pot. Only focus on what's not bolded ok?" he said correcting me I nodded with my head still down "It's not your fault. Everyone does it now let's start again maybe we cannot make a monster this time" he jokingly said 

'What is up with this guy'  I thought as we continued. After we took the sludge outside and surrounded it with flowers and charms turning it into something else that was pink small and friendlier 

"Elliot, why didn't you kill it?" I asked looking down at the thing 

"I usually will give everyone a second chance for redemption if it's possible. Killing is never good and leaves a bad feeling around" he explained. For several weeks we continued with this each time I would purposely mess up but nothing good ever came out except for Elliot always defeating whatever happened. What is wrong with him? Why could he just get the hint? I was never meant to be here anyway. Why ruin my chances of succeeding that? 

Depressed Girl (The Ancient Magus Bride)Where stories live. Discover now