Ch. 7

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Again, Alexandra woke up but this time she was in a different room. The door opened 

"Thank you doc" she heard Elliot say before coming around the door "Alexandra?" he said stunned 


"You're awake!" 

"You're alright" his fairies shouted as they flew toward her hugging her 

"Where are we?" she asked confused 

"A local hospital that one of my close friends runs," Elliot told her. The atmosphere in the room was thick with silence until Elliot spoke up "Go wait outside girls, I need to talk to Alexandra for a moment" the fairies obeyed as they reluctantly let go, heading out of the room. 

"What is it s--" 

"What is it going to take to make you understand?" he interjected 

"What do y--" 

"Alexandra. I know you, don't play dumb" Alexandra stopped talking and looked down at her lap "I've known since Oberon brought you to me. You tried to kill yourself that's how you ended up in that lake where he brought you to me. I thought I could help you. Maybe show you that you are loved you wouldn't be like that. Each time you try to die I've had to rethink what I'm doing" he paused "So this once, just--tell me why. Tell me why you are so insistent on dying!" he yelled out. Alexandra said nothing she just sat there. 

"Tell me, Alexandra!" he yelled again this time he was at the edge of the bed. She opened her mouth as to say something but nothing came out. Elliot hung his head while gripping the bed frame "Just please tell me. Why do you do it? Wh-what happened to you?" he mumbled Alexandra sighed 

"I had a life. It was small and perfect. Only mom, dad, and me. I was loved that was until mom killed herself. No one knows why but it broke my family apart. Dad began to beat me, blame me for her death and drink. He beat me so often that I got used to the pain. I eventually developed depression from this and frequently would think of escaping life. Then one day I had enough and ran into a nearby forest. I tried to drown myself but it didn't work. The reason I kept trying is that I knew I wasn't supposed to be here and you were only helping me out of pity. I know you could easily replace me" sometime while she was explaining this, tears started rolling down. Elliot came next to her as she continued to tell him while crying into his chest. Elliot allowed her to cry until she stopped leaving only sniffles, he then raised her head to where they were looking at each other 

"I didn't take you under my wing because I pitted you or so that I could replace you. I took you because I thought I could help you with what you were going through. I'm sorry that your mom died and that your dad's abusive. I can't help that. What I can help with is getting you better and happy again. That is if you're willing to accept my help and not try to kill yourself" 

"You're willing to help me even after all I've done?" she asked 

"Yes, because I believe people should be given a chance to redeem themselves" tears welled up in Alexandra's eyes 

"Then yes, yes I want to get better" she confessed crying and hugging Elliot

"Good. First, you need to get better so you can get out of here. Can you do that Alexandra?" 

"Crystal" she looked up and smiled "My name's Crystal" 

"Crystal, that's a lovely name".

Depressed Girl (The Ancient Magus Bride)Where stories live. Discover now