Chapter 1

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I was walking on my way to school, like usual. It was 2 weeks till school would end for the summer. New York was calming with the leaves changing colors, and the cool, crisp air hitting my nose. I take a deep breath As I walk into the school I see my boyfriend's 'Gang'

It wasn't an official gang where you have the candles on the floor lit, black long robes, saying ridiculous spells in your mother's basment.

I never understood that cause let's say the mom comes in halfway through it. What do you? Start over ? It also would be an embarrassing convo with your parents the next morning.

"Hey y/n"
Mark said

Mark was in my boyfriends 'Gang'

"Have you seen Daniel ?"

I asked

"Not yet, but you know him, always late for stuff"

Replyed Andrew

We all chuckled at that. It was mostly true. Unless it was about his gang, or on the RARE occasions me. But of course, he had to pull a total Daniel move so of course, he was late.

But whenever I saw Daniel it almost always felt like he was slowly leaving me. But that isn't bad...Right? He could just need space for a little right? but then again he had been distant to me for 3 months now.

Daniel was my first boyfriend ever. So I loved him with all my heart, I didn't really have any people to give me reship advice.

We had 3 minutes till the bell would ring. When I saw Daniel walking over to us.

He snakes his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear

"We need to talk after school "

The way he said it sent shivers down my back.

We never really talked after school. It more of a conversation that would something like

"Hey Daniel, are you busy latter cause mabby we could go get a coffi-"

"Not today Y/n I'm busy, and I am gonna be busy all of next week."

"Oh, y-yea ok sure but are you going to be not busy?"

"Look Y/n...-

He would then mumble something, like a foreign language, stare off into space for a little then finish his earlier scene and ended with.

"Look Y/n, I just have to go I'll talk latter with you"

And then leave me looking like an idiot, it didn't help that the first time I had asked and he started to walk away from me and me being the clumsy and ALWAYS finding an extremely dumb way to hurt myself I tried and fell into a pile of snow. I had a wet butt and was cold,

Flashback ❄ (Its January, so it COLD and New York had just got snow)

I was at a street corner near a cafe, I wanted to get a coffee with Daniel, As we neared I looked over to him and asked

"Hey Daniel, are you up for a warm drink ?"

"I would love to...but I just...."

His last couple of words were taken away by a large gust of wind. Wich seemed to come out of nowhere.

"You what, sorry I didn't here that"

"I can't I'm working on a- "
He looked up. When I looked in the same direction, I didn't see anything. And then resumed his previous sentence.

for my dad, oh I have to go now"

And he left heading the way we had just come. I was beginning to walk back towards the cafe, but tripped over my feet, and landed on my butt in a pile of snow, and it was COLD.

Great. I thought now I'm wet. I got up from the snow deciding to ditch the cafe and that I'd go a different time.

End flashback

Hey guys, so as I said in my description or blurb, this is my first Y/n story, ive had it in my drafts for months now. But I finally got it out with some help from another author, named Calebhandersonswife. Thanks so much for helping me get this out finally, the updates may be slow since school will start but I will try to get another one soon. Please comment on any suggestions all for now. ~Skylar

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