The Break in

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Warning this chapter contains some violence, strong language, and abuse.

The bell had just rung, and of course, the bell as loud as an earthquake, I think it has something against me.

I walk into school, with Daniel...but he seemed like he was looking for something or someone.

It kind of hurt now that I think about how he never really would look for me like that.

At times ive thought of breaking up with him. But if I did that it would kill me, I mean like imagine you have a best friend, the ask you out you say yes, and then they begin to disappear, I don't want to lose that friend. If I break up I will have 1 question on my mind.

Will I lose his friendship?


I had just moved to New York, from New Hampshire. I had never had a calm at home life, 'Dad' had a habit of drinking and abusing me. For no reason. Said it was to make me a 'better daughter'

My mother tried to keep me away from him, she had bought me a ticket to my uncle's house, and said she would be there soon.

But somehow I knew she wasn't coming. It hurt. My only mother and person who tried to save me.

Later that night after I had packed, I was laying down when I heard a loud

Scream, which sounded like a male, and then followed by a,


From downstairs.
I immediately sat up in bed. The next thing I know I hear the knob to my door running, I began to pretend I was sleeping. But inside I was freaking out, panicking, who is here? why? are they going to kill me ?!?!?.

End Flash back

Unkowen P.O.V

I was running and saw the house. I began to pick the lock to slip in through the window. But as I was just about to open it. The father or who I assumed is must have seen me, and threw something at the window, the glass shattered.

'Well this makes my job easier' I thought to myself.

I got in and was standing in a kitchen.

I saw the man, who let me say, looked like that creepy dude who did drugs, beats you up for fun, and drink alcohol like its water. I officially hate this asshole already.

I grabbed my throwing knife and readily threw it into his palm.

He quickly pulled a gun on me and shot. But I dodged the bullet.

Why try and kill me? You're not gonna win.

I threw a dagger into his thigh. Then ran up the stairs. I reached a door and slowly opened it.

Finally peac-

Wait. UGH, CRAP YOU FUCKING IDOT I screamed at myself. There's a FREAKING person in here.

I was trying to walk out when for some reason my body pulled me towards the person. I look over and see a girl.

'Well, she not awake time to lea-'

I was telling myself when as I turned to leave I saw it. On what I imagine is a school paper. Y/ln (your last name).

It's her. Ive found her.

Ok, so I know this chapter is weird and had a long flashback. I am sorry about that I'm also sorry that there isn't much action yet. I'm trying to keep the story at a good pace, ive got ideas for way later and I'm trying not to rush it.

Hope you enjoyed it.


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