RockStars in Love Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

          The drums beat their familiar beat, the guitars strumming, and I relaxed. It's our first practice before the concert tonight. 'Cheer Up, Kid opening for Delainey King', the posters announced.

          I sing the familiar words, letting myself let go. We sing a few songs together, and then I leave the stage for them to practice a bit. I'm wearing a purple ribbed tank top and short knit shorts. I go backstage and grab a bottle of water. I tie my wildly curly hair back into a messy bun, and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I go to my dressing room, and spray some body spray, and wash off my already deteriorating make-up.

          Dancing, singing, and head-banging on the stage for five hours really wears you out. There was a knock at my door.

          "Hello, Miss King! How are you today?" my agent says.

          "Good, Mrs. What's up?" I call her Mrs. When she calls me 'Miss King.'

          "I have the contest winners," she says. We had a contest a while back for this tour, and the winners got ticket to the show, they got to watch us practice, and meet all the members from our bands, and see the whole set up. In walks two fourteen year old girls, and a little girl, around the age of four.

          "Hi!" I say, smiling. My agent leaves, and I greet the winners.

          "I'm Alexis, and this is my best friend, Zara," she says, "And this is my little sister, Layla, she's four. I had to bring her along," the blonde girl says.

          "Oh, no, it's fine! She's adorable!" I say, hugging them all.

          "Let's go meet the guys," I say, and they smile.

          "The guys from Cheer Up, Kid?" they ask.

          "Yeah," I say, and they each exchange a smile. Oh, so we got some fan-girls.

          "I love your song, Goodbye," Zara says.

          "Thanks, that song means a lot to me, I've said so many goodbyes," I say.

          "Is it true that one of those goodbyes was to Ryan, from Cheer Up, Kid?" Alexis asks.

          "It is, we used to be best friends," I say, smiling.

          "You're not anymore?" they ask.

          "We're...getting there, we...lost touch, for a while," I say, choosing my words carefully.

          "Oh, I understand, we had this one friend who moved away," they nod.

          "Hey Layla," I say, and she looks up at me, and smiles.

          "Go give this to Ryan," I say, handing her a water, and she smiles, and runs on stage. The songs just ending and the look on Ryan's face is priceless.

          "Wow, thank you! What's your name?" he asks.

          "Layla, I'm four!" she says, holding up four fingers.

          "I'm Ryan, I'm seventeen," he says, picking her up. The rest of the guys ditch their instruments, and greet the little girl.

          "Hey, Ryan, this is Zara and Alexis, and you already met Layla, they won the contest," I say and he wipes the sweat from his forehead. His shirt is in a sweaty wad on the floor.

          "Oh, Hi!" he says, smiling. They all exchange hugs, high fives, and handshakes with the rest of the band.

          "Oh my gosh! I see it now!" Zara squeals.

          "See what?" I ask, confused.

          "You two WOULD make the cutest couple!" she says, pointing to Ryan and me.

          "I told you!" Alexis says. I look over and see Ryan blushing like mad.

          "Hey! I didn't know you had a tattoo!" Alexis says, looking at his side.

          "Yeah...," he says awkwardly.

          "What's it supposed to say?" she asks.

          "Yeah, Ryan, what does it say?" I ask with a smirk.

          "It's a friend's name," he says, and my stomach drops. It's my name, they were right.

          "Oh, okay," Alexis says.

          "Hey, why don't we show you around?" Logan asks, and the girls follow. They left Ryan and me alone.

          "Ryan-," I start.

          "It's your name," he says, looking at his feet.

          "Really, jackass?" I ask, whisper-yelling.

          "You're mad," he says, not looking up.

          "Yeah! You got my freaking name tattooed on your side, and didn't tell me?" I spat.

          "I promise I was going to tell you," he says, looking up at me. His face is full of hurt. His blue eyes honestly look like they're about to cry.

          "When, Ryan? When were you going to tell me? Tomorrow? Next month? Ten years from now? When, Ryan?" I ask.

          "Does it matter? You know now," he says.

          "Whatever. This isn't over," I say, and we put on our happy faces and go and find the contest winners.

          The concert was great, every space filled. The big kicker was when Ryan introduced me.

          "And now, let's give it up to the most gorgeous, talented girl that I know, Delainey King!" he said, and then we played a couple songs together. I grabbed everything out of my dressing room, and put it all in my large purse, that I used more as a carry-on than a purse. I scanned the room, making sure nothing was left behind. It didn't matter, if they found something they would send it to me.

          I walked out of the dressing room, and Logan caught up with me, carrying his drumsticks.

          "Look, I know what happened with Ryan was bad, but just give him a chance, okay? It's been...rough for him without you, at first he couldn't even function properly," he says.

          "Logan, how did you get so wise?" I ask, laughing. He held the door of the huge RV open for me, grinning.

          "Experience," he chuckles, and I start unpacking and sorting out my things. I flopped down on the couch, laying my head in Ryan's lap. I was wearing some short jean shorts and a tank top. I hadn't bothered taking of the glittery make-up that they cake on my face.

          "Hi," he says, looking down at me.

          "Hi," I whisper.

          "What's wrong?" he asks.

          "Nothing," I say.

          "CELEBRATION TIME!" Jayce sings, laughing. He pulls some champagne out of a cooler, and pops the cork.

          We all drink some, well maybe I shouldn't say some, we drank like three bottles, what the hell?

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