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(Song: Mesa - Hans Zimmer)

The night after Mae's conversation with Ben, she fell asleep to the sound of rain hitting her window again. The rain was heavier and the wind from the storm shook the cold temple. Mae fell into another dream.

She was at a Jedi temple. The old Jedi temple on Courascant. It was bustling with life. Children with long braids ran around the tall pillars. The temple was huge and gorgeous. People and aliens of all different types walk along the corridors. None paid much attention to her. Mae walked through the halls following a feeling in her gut. It pulled her to a large room at the end of the hall. She pushed open the doors. The room was large, with windows instead of walls. The view looked out onto the sunset of Courascant. It was beautiful. There were chairs situated in a circle around the room. Mae had read about this place, this was the Jedi Council Room. Her eyes landed on the lone man standing facing the windows. He was crying. She recognized him as her grandfather.

"Grandfather are you okay? It's me!"

He didn't respond he just slowly turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Anakin? Master Skywalker?" She reaches out trying to grab him. His hand goes right through her. He leaves and she is left alone looking in the direction of the door.

"This is a memory. The day I made the most important decision of my life. The worst decision of my life." Anakin's voice came from behind her. She turns about and sees her grandfather the way she saw him in her other dream.

"Why are we here?"

"You're going to have to make some decisions in your life. Very important ones. These decisions will change the course of your life and the lives of the people you are closest too." He looks down and starts walking to the window where the other version of him stood before.

"How do I know when I'm making the right choice?" She asks.

"I do not know. In my heart, at this moment I thought the only way to save her life and our child was to do the exact thing I swore never to do. I was confused and manipulated by someone I trusted but I knew by choosing to kneel to Darth Sidious, that I would no longer be the man I once was. And I let myself fall."

"I'm sorry."

He gives her a sad smile. "The Force guides everyone, in different ways. Maybe, this all happened just the way it was meant to happen. I was power-hungry and selfish. If Obi-wan didn't strike me down in my arrogance, then I would've become something unimaginably worse." He puts his hand on the window, "I let fear dictate my actions. I let it control me."

"You still found your way back, you redeemed yourself, yo-you saved dad. You did what you were meant to do. Saving your son completed the prophecy, it brought back the balance."

"It's the other way around young one, my son saved me." There was a moment of silence between them.

"I've never been in love, Master Skywalker, I can't possibly put myself in your position." She looks down at the ground. "And it's not my place to forgive you, but, I can promise you I will not let myself be controlled by anyone or anything. I'd rather die."

He chuckled a little. "You are too much like your father... like Padmé. You may be a little rebellious, but you are wise and willful beyond your years."

Padmé. She didn't know much about her grandmother, the woman she was named after. "Did she forgive you?" Mae blurted out and Anakin froze. The room was quiet. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. I just know nothing about her and I... I." Mae's sentence dissolved on her tongue.

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