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(Song: Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac)

2 weeks later...

"I hate this. Why am I doing this and you're not?"

Their practise sticks crash together. Mae lightly swings again and again. They were finishing up their day of training by going through basic defence blocks with training sabers. Talkative Caleb had a cloth wrapped around hid eyes to cover them, Mae wished it was around his mouth.

He huffed at her silence. "You're a pro at being unseen and ignoring me."

Mae ignored him again. He took the opportunity to change things up by going on the offensive and trying to strike her lightly with the stick. Mumbling under his breath, "I don't like feeling blind."

Mae only reacted by dodging and moving around him so lightly the mat didn't even shift under her weight. "That's the point." She whispers on one side of him, before moving around behind him. "You're eyes can deceive you. If you cant trust them... what do you do?" She lightly swings her stick as his face, hoping to god he understands.

He caught the stick with his hand before it hit his cheek, then pushed it away. He understood.

"Good." She said as she walked in front of him.

He pulled down the blindfold and squinted, his eyes adjusting to the room's yellow light. "For someone so young, you sure know a lot. Seriously, what can't you do?" Caleb asked as he took at swing at Mae's legs just grazing them slightly.

"Cook." She said simply. He took another swing with the stick. "Sing." He tries to kick her but she steps away just in time. "Public speaking is also not a strong suite of mine." She said with a monotone voice.

He pushes her back with the Force. She flips backwards and lands with her feet on the ground, they plant firmly. Mae gives him a smirk.

He runs towards her and they hit each others sticks trying to disarm each other.

"I still feel outmatched by you're fighting. You're a lot stronger with the Force than I... why is that? I heard a rumour that you were..." His breathing becomes heavy as he was being pushed back into a defensive position from her skill.

Mae doesn't give him a chance to say anymore. She knocks the stick out of his hand and pushes him to the ground. He pulls her down with him but she is quick to roll over and get to her feet. She stands, foot pushed against his chest and her stick points at his neck. "Be careful not to choke on your curiosity." Looking at his shocked expression, his heart beats fast in his chest. Realizing she scared him, she lifts the stick away. "Um. Flattery. There's better ways to distract your opponent into making a mistake."

"I'll... uh...remember that." Caleb says awkwardly.

Mae lifts her foot off his chest and walks over to pick up his stick.

Caleb had been asking questions since they started training together. Mae always brushed him off or made sarcastic comments. Mae had learned quite a bit about Caleeb'Cass'Seri, who preferred to go by Caleb Bridger these past few weeks training though. Caleb was trained only the basics of combat by his adopted father, Ezra Bridger. Ezra tried teaching him other things but Caleb liked flying more. Caleb left him to use his talents in the Resistance. He had a strong sense of duty. He was hardworking and loyal. Around his superior officers he was professional, but around Mae he started letting the more youthful side of him out. Most people would feel intimidated by Caleb, under his red stare. He was tall, fit, and had a tattoo running up his arm in a writing Mae did not know. Even when Mae first met him, his eyes made her uneasy. They sometimes reminded her of her nightmares, but now after 2 weeks of intense training, they were becoming normal to her. It was almost comforting to have someone else in her life, even if she could tell he was curious about her still. She didn't want to lie to him anymore, especially about who she was. It was unfair. All the secrets were bottling up.

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