3 | Zane

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(Zane's P.O.V.)
Zane - 71704 - 9 Years Old

I was at me and Carla's usual spot. The tree behind Grace Field house, where we always hang out. All of my life, I've always wanted to be adopted. Someone. Anyone. Just take me away from here... I'm useless, right? That's why my real parents left me in this orphanage. And that's what I've always thought. Until Carla came to cheer me up. I've remembered what she said to me, as if it was yesterday. Although in reality, she said it to me 3 years ago.

"Hey, Zane! Think about it. If your parents really did thought you were useless, then why did they left you in this orphanage instead of just leaving you in the streets? Maybe they just thought that there's a better family out there for you... And even if no one's adopted you yet, then I'll be your family!".

This afternoon, she came to our spot with a small frown on her face. She seemed really sad. She came closer and sat next to me, resting our backs at the tree, then she curled her legs into a ball and hugged me.

"Z-Zane... Y-You're getting adopted t-tomorrow.. W-What about m-me?.. I'm g-gonna miss y-you..." She said, forcing herself to smile.

"C'mon.. Even if I don't get to see you again. Eventually when you turn 12, you'll be out in no time! We can even meet up somewhere if you want.." I said, comforting her.

"Z-Zane... Promise me that y-you'll.... Keep in touch with us.. Write us letters every now and then when you're out there with your new family.. I'm still your family even when you have a new one, r-right?.."

"Promise! I'll write to you everyday if you want! You'll be forever be a part of my family..."

"Because I love you, Carla..." I whispered to myself, without her hearing the last sentence.


(Carla's P.O.V.)
Carla - 121505 - 9 Years Old

It was time for Zane to go to his new family... Zane.. Z-Zane.... I'll miss him so much.. After all, he was the one who thought me how to sing, how to play the ukulele, and how to play the piano... Not only that, he was my family. He means a lot to me...


Me and all my siblings are here by the door. Some waving their goodbyes, some cried while hugging Zane, and me who gave him one last smile, trying to not let any tears roll out.

Zane came closer and hugged me really tight, me being unable to bottle up my tears anymore, rolling down on both of my cheeks. I hugged him back, making our embrace last even longer.

We waved our goodbyes, then he told me, infront of everyone

"I love you, Carla".

I smiled, wiping out my tears with my long white sleeves. After he left the house, I couldn't help it. Without even thinking, my body just moved on its own and ran to my bedroom. Crashing myself onto my bed, covering my face with my pillow. Sobbing louder than ever. Tears flooded both my pillow, and my face.

An hour passed, and I'm still in my bed crying. I miss Zane already. I cried even more, making me tired enough to fall asleep with tears still rolling down my cheeks.



(Carla's P.O.V.)
Carla - 121505 - 9 Years Old

My mind was still processing from what I've learnt. No... Which means.. E-Everyone.... Zane.. And my the rest of my other family w-were eaten.. Just the thought of my best friend Zane being gone. Was enough for my legs to tremmble, falling down, with Clara comforting me.

"Y'know... He's here.." Aria said to me, who I almost forgot was also here on the roof with us.

"W-What do you mean he's here..?" I said with a confused expression on my face, wiping away my tears.

"Carla. I haven't told my twin sister, Aira this yet. Because I didn't want her smile being gone when she knows...." She said, as if a dark secret of hers is being revealed.

"Carla. I have a gift. Both me and my sister have it. But I manage to know how to control it, being able to let Aira not get involved in it..."

"What do you mean..? A gift..?" I asked.

"Carla. I have a third eye. I have the ability to see spirits of dead people. Even our other siblings who have been shipped. I saw them all. I'm also able to surrender my soul to a spirit, making them gain control of my body for a small time. I managed to learn how to open and close me and other people's third eye, so I managed to close Aira's third eye a few years ago when she was asleep. I knew there was something off about it. Whenever someone gets adopted, I see their dead souls, they're here. I managed to tell Clara this, because I knew I could trust her. After then, she told me the truth about the plantations and demons. Everything started to make sense". Aria said, as if she was telling a close friend everything that's on her mind.

She added "Zane is here, he's been watching you the entire time".

My eyes were filled with shock. H-HE'S HERE..!? T-That idiot, even when h-he's dead, he's still w-with me...

"Infact, I can help you talk to him... That is, if you want to". She said, as if returning a favor or so.

I closed my eyes with tears crashing down, nodding. I want to talk to Zane again... I just need him right now...

Aria on a flat surface of the roof, closing her eyes with both her hands cupped. She lifted her head, mumbling some words I can't quite understand. A minute passed, and when she opened her eyes. Her eyes were now blue, instead of her red ruby ones. Her eyes were blue, the same color as Zane's eyes...

"I've been here all this time, C~.." Aria said with Zane's voice.

I was lost in words. I don't know what to say. It really is him. He even called me by the nickname he gave me. I hugged Aria tight, while Zane was controlling her body.

"I don't have much time left before Aria's strength gets drained because of me controlling her body. So I'll just summarize everything". Zane said, with a smile.

"Carla. I never got to tell you the reason why I loved you. You probably thought I told you that as a sibling. But really, I've always wanted to something more than a friend to you. But I can't anymore. So your safety is the only thing I'm looking forward for you. I love you, Carla. I'd even kiss you if I were still alive. But I'm gone. But don't worry, I'll always be here next to you. I'll make sure no harm comes near you and our family. I love you, Carla. I love you. I love you. I love you". Zane said with more tears forming in my eyes.

Aria took a deep breath, Zane's voice and eyes disappearing. Going back to Aria's voice and eyes. She was breathing heavily. And her nose started to bleed.

"A-ARIA..?! Are you alright?!! Y-Your nose is bleeding..!!" I said, with concern.

"I'm fine. This is normal whenever I surrender myself to a dead spirit. I only surrender my soul to those who I can trust, because not every spirit I see is good". She said, as she wiped the blood off.

"Aria... Thank you.." I thanked, forcing myself to smile with even more tears running down.

"It's the least I could do for always putting a smile on my sister's face". She said, with a soothing tone on her voice.

"Hey, it's getting late. We should go back before mama suspects anything suspicious". Clara said, reassuring our safety.

We all went down, entering the house through the window. Wiping all my tears away, hopefully none of my siblings see any traces of me crying.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 💕
This took me quite a while to write, even though this chapter is shorter, compared to the 1st chapter. AcH— 👀
Hope you guys have a wonderful day~‼️

🍬 Story by: CarlaCandy1215 🍬

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