2 | Sisters

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I forgot to mention this earlier, but Carla's hair is actually made of cotton candy. Her hair will leave a scar once it detects someone's saliva that doesn't match her DNA. (Like, when someone tries to take a bite)
(Her hair's bizzare gift will explained on why it became like this SOON).


(Carla's P.O.V.)
Carla - 121505 - 9 years old

Celia went closer, with a serious expression on her face. Our conversation was interrupted by Mama calling out to us for dinner.

"Meet me on the roof, tonight". She said then left.

Here at the dining room, we all went to our seats, said our prayers, and ate our meal. I for one, was just staring into my meal, with my head resting on my left hand. I also noticed Celia wasn't here.. After what she told me earlier, she said to meet her on the roof tonight. I left the dining room early and made an excuse to tell mama, and said I wasn't hungry, so I only ate a few and fled.

I found the window where me and my siblings climb up to go to the roof and stare at the stars. I see Celia there sitting at the top with a lantern next to her, and Aria was with her. Huh? Aria? Why is she here with Celia? Did Celia told something to Aria too?

I climbed up to the top and sat next to Celia. With the flow of the winds making our long hair swing towards east. Aria looked at Celia with a serious expression on her face.

"Celia, are you sure it's time to tell her?" Aria asked Celia, me not knowing what she meant.

"Yes, it's time to tell her. She has to know eventually..." Celia said with a serious tone on her voice.

Celia went closer to me and ate a piece of my cotton candy hair.

"H-HUH?!! W-WHAT THE?!!? C-CELIA...!!—" I screamed, she cut me off by covering my mouth with her right hand, and my cotton candy hair on her left hand.

Celia replied "Notice how there's no scar on your hair".

I looked at my hair and noticed there were no scars on them. Huh..!? She's right... There's no scar.. Normally, when a saliva of someone that doesn't match my DNA, it would leave a scar where they bit off.

"Your hair isn't forming a scar is because of our DNA. Your hair would only leave a scar once it detects salive of someone's DNA that doesn't match yours... But for my case, it didn't left any scars... Because.." She said, waiting for my reply.

"W-We're sisters..?!!?" I said in a shock.

"Yes, I'm your biological sister. Your older sister. And my name isn't actually Celia. My real name is Clara. Similar to your name". She added.

"This isn't the only thing I needed to tell you, I also want to tell you more of the truth, and only the truth". She said to me while holding my hand. I can tell by her expression, it's like she bottled up an emotion of hers that's gonna overflow.


(Clara's P.O.V)
Clara - 102204 - 2 Years Old

At the age of 1, I've already been able to think like a preteen. Because both of my parents being intelligent people, I have inherited a trait from the both of them. My parents have told me everything about the monsters, the demons, the human plantations, and how they and their family were able to escape and start a new life outside the plantations. Athough I was very young, I understood everything. Also me being a fast-learner, I was able to learn how to do the basics of survival: like how to start a fire, how to fight back when demons see me, and tactics in hiding from demons.

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