13 | Perspective

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(Blaze's P.O.V.)
Blaze - 84556 - 11 years old

We made it. We're finally free. We no longer have to worry about death. No more stress, no more shipments, and no more heartbreak. Of course, there's still other kids out there from other plantations that might not even know death is just waiting for them on their 12th birthday. But now, I'm sure of it. My family is at least safe. And soon, when we grow stronger. We can also save other families who also want to be free.

We all ran. And ran. And ran. Far away from Grace Field house. We all were out of breath, so we decided to take a small break until we all have our energy up to run farther, somewhere we can stay put for at least a few days or a week. I placed down Brianna on the floor, with our other siblings who studied medicine back at the house. Eirene, Jasmine, and Justin, they all went to Brianna and started to treat her. They've checked her pulse, her heart was still beating. She just needs to rest until she wakes up. It doesn't sound anything serious, I sighed of relief, knowing my little sister will be all right. I went to Carla, and asked more of our siblings for help to treat her wound on her left arm. She was still bleeding. After Eirene, Jasmine, and Justin checked on Brianna. They quickly went to Carla, trying their best to stop the bleeding and to cover up the stab wound. Luckily, the stab wasn't deep, they gave her medicine to drink to speed up the process of her wound healing. Hopefully she'll be all right. Looking at her now... It seems.... different.

Normally I just see her as a friend,
A sister,
A family.
But now...
I can't quite explain it..
What's this I'm feeling?

Carla was tired from all the fighting and running, making her fall asleep. I'm sure staying here the night wouldn't hurt. We'de pretty far already from Grace Field house. But of course, the farther it is, the safer our family will be away from those monsters. But for now, this will only be for tonight. We need the rest to survive tomorrow. Everyone got ready for the night, the boys took out the sleeping bags they've managed to carry, while the girls help the toddlers and infants with feeding them and changing their clothes. Aira was with Aria, luckily she already woke up, I'm sure a good sleep will make Aria get back up on her feet tomorrow. Rei and Eirene were looking after Brianna, while I was looking after Carla. While Violet, Macy, Kevin, and Bet looked around for food, water kr any other source of supplies for survival while it's not dark yet.

Justin came and gave me a blanket for me and Carla. Both of our backs resting on a tall and thick walls of a tree, with a bright lantern next to us. The sun was about to set. Violet, Macy, Kevin, and Bet came back with a bit of wood they got to make a campfire, and a bit of water they found on a river, but they weren't able to find any food or animals for some reason. That's kind of odd. Isn't this a forest? Aren't there supposed to be wandering animals living here?
I shrugged it off and my attention went back to Carla. I wrapped her around a blanket, after I covered myself with a seperate blanket. Her head landed on my shoulder. Gosh. Why am I shaking?! Normally, I won't feel like this. What the hell?!!?!
It's like... Her presence felt... warm, calming, and comfortable. I smiled with the thought of Carla in my head. Why the hell am I thinking of her this much?! This seems weird to me... Is this a normal thing?

I was lost in my own thoughts, with Carla being the map I need to escape in this wild maze of my emotions. And even with a map, I'm still lost and I can't find my way out. My thoughts went back to earlier when Carla fought for my sister's life.


(Blaze's P.O.V.)
Blaze - 84556 - 11 years old

Carla went down the ladder and went up to Mom.
"Mom. Ship me. In return, you let Brianna go."
No. Don't. Please don't. I want to escape with all of you. Please... I don't know what I'd do if this plan goes to waste without you being even a part of it. Carla quickly took the knife out of Mom's hands and stabbed Mom in the

Carla was still down there with Hannah, Mom and Brianna's unconscious body. I have to do something.
Blaze. What are you doing?!
You're just standing there.
While Carla's risking her life for your sister.
I can't just stay put and do nothing.
Do something.

In the end, I ended up not moving at all. Instead, I watched Carla get stabbed in her left arm by Hannah. Hannah wanted to take revenge. I can tell by her expression.
She wanted to kill Carla.
I knew she wanted to kill her. But why aren't I doing anything? I'm just here watching a 50/50 chance of life or death of Carla.
Carla managed to end it all. By stabbing Hannah, leaving her corpse in Grace Field, next to Mom's dead body. While Carla carried Brianna all the way up the ladder, despite her left arm being stabbed and wounded.

As she went up the ladder, while she was carrying Brianna on her back. Something. Felt different. When I saw her save my sister. My sister, Brianna. Who's very dear and special to me. Seeing her being saved by Carla. Something about Carla's heroism made my perspective of her look and feel different. It's almost all of a sudden, a giant ray of sunshine just came, with a touch of a miraculous day with the addition of saving my sister. I know that Carla's smile is bright and all, but this time. It felt it was shining brighter than before, and she wasn't even smiling when she finally made the top of the wall, carrying my sister behind her.

What is this?
What am I thinking?
What am I feeling?
Why is it... All of a sudden...
The way I see her, my perspective of her.
It just changed drastically.
And I'm speechless in this weird aura she gave off.



Aaacch! This chapter is probably the longest I've typed (?). I'm surprised my fingers aren't hurting yet.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
As always, hope you have a wonderful day! 💕

🍬 Story by: CarlaCandy1215 🍬

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