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Summer groaned as she pulled the heavy bag behind her. She dumped it near the kitchen sink and sighed,flopping on a high stool and fighting back tears.

In this always dark, always dank and always ghost silent place, she had grown and now, she now takes care of the younger children who were in the home.
"BETTER DAYS AHEAD ORPHANS HOME" it read in bold letters from outside but each time Summer read it, it felt like those words were ominous.
Confidently taunting her because it would never happen.

Summer had been due to 'graduate' from the home on her 17th birthday but having nowhere to go, she had offered to work on meagre payment for the home.

She had just gotten back from the mall down the road to get more ingredients for the night's meal.

Feverishly, she set to work, arranging pans and washing dishes in the middle of the large kitchen.

On her mind was a constant fear of what the future might hold, the randy administrator who had threatened to make her lose her job wasn't exactly helping matters too and honestly, she wanted out!

She felt ready to live, to feel happiness again and to be carefree like she used to be.

If only the light at the end of her tunnel could illuminate brighter and show her the way..

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