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The daughter of Poseidon hears a bunch of other noises that sounded like curious whispers and more shuffling before another presence entered.

She forced her heavy eyelids to open and immediately grimaced once light flooded her line of sight.

"W-water." Patricia managed to croak despite her tongue feeling as dry as the desert.

A mysterious raven haired boy who somehow strangely resembled Percy handed her a glass of water, which she took grateful with her trembling hand. The boy then helped her bring the glass to her mouth.

Once her whole body felt as normal as it could be, Patricia sat up in alarm. Her eyes took in all the details of the foreign place as quickly as you could say 'hey'. She furrowed her brows at the raven haired boy who observed her every move.

"You probably shouldn't move so much," he explains sheepishly, "you just fell, so-"

"Who are you?" Patricia cuts him off, unconsciously fiddling with the ring her father had given her as a weapon. It turns to a 3 foot long celestial bronze sword once willed by the user to appear.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

The boy called Harry held out a hand to which Patricia eyed carefully before taking it. If there was one thing she had learned in her years of being half-blood, it was to always be skeptical.

"Ok, Harry, do you know where I am?"

"You're in the hospital wing at Hogwarts." He replies, almost immediately.

"Hog-what? Wait, hold on, will you tell me why I'm here?"

The poor boy looked conflicted, as if he, himself, could not answer the question. Patricia was about to give up when he answers, in a small, hesitant voice, "You uh-sort of fell...from the sky."

"So you're telling me that I fell from the sky and landed in this boarding school called woghart in Scotland? Are you sure you're sane?"

He sent her an offended look and was quick to correct her, "It's called hogwarts, and I should be the one asking you that question."

Patricia's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets once the location left Harry's lips. How could she have gone that far? What about Percy? How long was she out?

Shaking her head to rid off the panicked thoughts, Patricia asked once more. Looking at his awkward demeanor, she felt a little guilty that she'd been badgering him with her questions, but she had no choice. She had a quest to finish, and a camp to save.

"I need you to tell me the date and my--our exact location. Oh! Lend me a phone, too, while you're at it."

Yes, Patricia Jackson was that desperate that she had to resort to using a phone. It may be a beacon calling monsters to where she was, but it was the only way she could contact the others.

She had felt around her pockets as soon as the boy told her that she managed to land herself in Scotland and had cursed the gods for being broke. Half hoping that there was a drachma hidden somewhere deep in her pockets, Patricia kept patting them, hoping, praying to the gods that they'd be merciful just this once.

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