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Harry and Patricia shuffled around each other awkwardly for the following days. By then, Patricia swore she was going crazy. 

Should I or should I not?  was the only thing she could think of for days that she could feel herself going insane. It was an achievement for her, seeing as she was ADHD and could barely focus on a single train of thought without getting distracted.

"Why don't you just go talk to him? Go say hi and ask if he's ready for the first task. You could even just wish him luck and leave." Parvati tells Patricia, with Lavender Brown whining how they were frustrating her so much. "We both know you regret making that god awful decision of ignoring him."

"He'll think I'm a hypocrite, Parv. I told him I'd stay away to let them handle things between themselves."

"Okay, first of all, do not call me Parv. That is absolutely the worst-" Lavender cleared her throat from beside Parvati. "Second of all, have you seen the way he looks at you? His eyes are literally begging for you to talk to him again. He's so utterly besotted with you, Pat, and I don't think I've ever seen him be that way with anyone. Not even Ron or Hermione, and he's been with them for years, mind you. If I didn't know any better, I'd never have thought you two only met two, three months ago."

"What I'm saying is, my dear, oblivious Pat, he literally doesn't care, hypocrite or not."

Patricia huffed, "But I care. I'm sticking by my choice. I'm not some hypocrite."

Parvati let out a loud groan, her head hitting the table. Lavender sent Patricia a shake of her head as she gave gentle pats on Parvati's back.

"What now? Seriously, stop being so dramatic." Patricia remarked, eyeing the two incredulously. They were as terribly dramatic as Percy, and that was saying something.

"Lav, do me a favor and tell her. I can't handle it anymore." squeaked Parvati from the table. Patricia rolled her eyes.

Lavender grumbled something inaudible, but Patricia knew it was nothing child-friendly. Her curly haired friend took in a deep breath before she says, "We can all see how much you miss being with him so much, and him with you, with the way you look at each other. Honestly, you should see the amount of sexual tension between you two. It's astronomical." 

"What sexual tension? Gods, we've only known each other for, like, two months!" Patricia lied through her teeth, her palms getting clammy. Lavender slammed her palms on the table, making several heads turn to them. Harry's included.

"Blimey, Pat! We love you and all, but are you really going to run from him just because you're scared? Didn't Parvati already talk to you about this before?" Parvati tries to calm Lavender, but the damage has been done. They now have the attention of the entire Great Hall.

A blush formed on Patricia's cheeks as she shrinks slightly in her seat, "W-what? I'm not scared! I just-"

"Just, what? What's holding you back?" Lavender asks a little less loudly.

Patricia's head dips. With pursed lips, she replies "I...don't know." She knows. Of course she knew. It slapped her in the face with the same, heart-shattering ferocity every waking moment.

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