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Harry stared at the old piece of parchment in his hands with a torn expression. His emerald green eyes stared at the small pair of footprints that belonged to none other than Patricia Jackson. However, since a certain goddess had been helping hide her identity, it appeared to Harry as 'Pat Waterson'.

He acted like a jerk the night before and he knew it. Harry never wanted to act like that, especially not with Patricia, but something about seeing her with the platinum blonde Slytherin made every bit of self-control in him nonexistent.

His foot tapped on the maroon rug of the Gryffindor Common Room repeatedly as he thought of apologizing to her.

Just say you were a jerk, that you're sorry, and that the kiss with Cho didn't mean anything.

Just say you were a jerk, that you're sorry, and that the kiss with Cho didn't mean anything.

Harry groaned and ruffled his already unruly raven colored hair.

Godric, why am I getting so worked up about this?

Just as he was busy contemplating on talking to Patricia, Lavender came in. The strawberry blonde girl saw Harry's frustrated figure and smirked. She walked over and gave him a tap on the shoulder. Startled, Harry leapt up to his feet with his wand raised to whoever had tapped his shoulder. Lavender's eyes went wide at the wand drawn right at her throat. "G-Geez, Potter, you don't have to be so tense." Lavender stuttered, eyes trained on the deadly wooden stick aimed at her.

Harry blushed and immediately hid his wand away. "What the hell was that for, then?"

"First of all, did you or did you not kiss Cho Chang on purpose?" Lavender asked seriously. Harry frowned and he didn't hesitate to answer right away, "It wasn't! Er...she kind of kissed me."

The look on the strawberry blonde's face was enough to trigger Harry's survival instincts. He takes a step back cautiously as Lavender continues, "And did you or did you not like the kiss?"

"I didn't." Apparently, the speed at which he answered was enough to surprise both of them. Harry stammers, "It felt wrong, for some reason."

A giddy smile forms on Lavender's face as she nudges him, "Then go talk to her! Tell her what happened. Trust me, she isn't that upset at the fact that you kissed someone else, Potter. She's upset because she feels humiliated. I mean, you did leave her to dance with someone else, and you went and kiss ㅡ sorry, got kissed ㅡ by that someone else. Anyone would be upset at that."

"I-I didn't mean to. I was just trying to clarify things with Cho." Harry mumbled, his clammy hands nervously wiping themselves on his jeans.

With a roll of her eyes, Lavender placed a hand on her waist. Walking closer, she gave him a pitiful look and another pat on the shoulder before leaving. Harry's eyes furrowed at the retreating figure of Lavender Brown. But one thing was for sure, Harry had set his mind on apologizing to Patricia. He just hopes he doesn't back out while he's at it.


Winter has got to be Patricia's best season. It was the soft blanket of white and the cold breeze that seemed to bring out the demigod's best mood. It was a few days since the Yule Ball, and a few days since the start of the golden trio plus Patricia's cold war. Both sides were too stubborn to call for a truce, and it seemed like the fight was never going to end.

Christmas was only three days away. Patricia felt horrible as it would be the first Christmas she would spend away from her family.

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