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"I'm telling you, Annabeth," says Percy desperately. "It was like the same thing with Nico!"

The daughter of Athena turned to face him, annoyance clear on her face. "This is different, Percy. And anyway, it's not as if we could magically teleport to where she is now."

"The least we can do is try!" Percy exclaims, hands thrown in the air in equal annoyance. "Please, Annabeth. We could continue on with the labyrinth tomorrow, just ㅡ let me try to find my sister. I don't care if Kronos gets to the gods, but I swear, if something happens to Pat, I won't hesitate to find them and drag them down to the pits of Tartarus with me."

The blonde sighed, "Fine. We'll have to go talk to Chiron. Maybe the Oracle could give us more clues. But, we're not delaying going to the labyrinth any longer than a day and a half, got it, Seaweed brain?"

Percy's sea green eyes lit up and he hugged the blonde impulsively. They had already kissed, but everything was still held in an air of uncertainty. The son of Poseidon released the flustered blonde and made a dash to his cabin. He sat in front of the magical fountain by the corner with a determined look.

"I'll come find you, sis," Percy mutters and Patricia woke with a start. Her brother's voice still echoed in her head as she struggled to find her bearings.

Percy heard me.

Patricia broke down for probably the third time that month, but this time it was different. It was as if the wall holding back her from breaking down broke ㅡ exploding into millions of pieces. For the first time in weeks, Patricia felt hope ㅡ the sweet, blissful feeling that made you feel like anything is possible. Maybe, just maybe, she could finally go home.

She cried tears of joy and relief. Her twin heard her. Percy will find her. She could go home.

Then came the realization that she'd have to leave the trio behind. Once she leaves, there was no way possible for her to ever see them again. Unless Hera decides to send her back here again.

Suddenly the ache and despair she felt the other night returned with newfound intensity. Patricia felt trapped ㅡ suffocated. She yearned with all her might to finally go home, but now that she's stayed at Hogwarts, she's suddenly torn.

The first time she arrived, Patricia had no hesitations on leaving without a word. Now that she's formed bonds with the people here, she's finally hesitating. And she hated it.


"A galleon for your thoughts?" 

The demigod snaps out from her thoughts. She grimaces once she realizes that she had gnawed at her lips too harshly, tasting the familiar metallic tang in her mouth. Looking up, she sees Harry send her a small smile, plopping on the grass beside her and tossing aside his bag.

Sending him a smile, she shakes her head, "I think I've done enough effort to empty your bank account, Greenie."

"That, you did," replied Harry with a snort as he leans back on the tree trunk. They were by the edge of the Forbidden Forest, just a few meters away from Hagrid's Hut. "You alright?"

Patricia raises an eyebrow at him whilst tilting her head to the side, her brown hair cascading down her shoulders like chocolate. For a moment, the wizard was distracted, too allured by the beauty in front of him before her next words brought him back to his senses, "Harry, I think I should be the one asking you that. Have you figured out the egg, yet?"

A sheepish smile makes its way on his face as he fumbles with his glasses. Patricia knew the answer before he even said anything, "No, but I swear I'm working on it."

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