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Riley sighed to herself as she got to school. She sighed as she stood with Barry Barry. She stood flirting with him. She could see Simon as he stood down the hall watching her

"Riley" he called as she looked to him and sighed as she walked over to him and sighed

"what do you want" she asked

"we need to talk come this way" he said as he grabbed her arm and lead her to his office. Riley walked inside and sighed to herself

"what do you want me lowsley. I was busy" she said as Simon walked over to her and sighed

"what by flirting with Barry, your trying to get to me and it's not gong to work" Simon said as Riley looked to him and rolled her eyes

"why would you care" Riley said as she walked over to her. Simon looked to her for a moment. Riley knew that she wanted to make Simon pay for interfering in her life.

"Your pathetic" Riley spat as he grabbed her arm. They looked to each other for a moment before he leant in and kissed her.

Riley wrapped here arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as he pushed her against the wall as they made out passionately.

Riley moaned into the kiss before she pulled away. They held a look for a moment as Aimee walked in and frowned

"Riley. Mum is here" Aimee said as Riley frowned. Riley glanced to Simon as she walked out of the office and saw Meredith

"hi baby girl" Meredith said as Riley glared

"screw you" Riley spat as she stormed off


Riley was sitting under the stage. She hated how her mum had turned up and expected her to be the welcoming daughter. She wasn't in the mood for it at all.

Aimee found her and sighed. "Are you okay?" She asked as she sat down next to her.

Riley shook her head and sighed. "Why does she think she can turn up and expect me to be the welcoming one. She left me though."

"You've got a choice to make babes. You can stay with me. Or go back with mum," Aimee said.

Riley looked at her. "But what if mum leaves again? I don't want to be on my own anymore," she said.

"And you won't be. I'll be right by your side no matter what. I love you and you're always welcome to stay with me."


Riley walked into the pastoral care office. She looked at her mum. "Why are you back now? You haven't been bothered for the last seven weeks."

"Don't be like that. I've been earning money for us. Now Aimee is back, we can be a family. Me and my two girls."

Riley shook her head. "No. You'll be back for a few weeks. Then you'll leave again. I'm not falling for your stuff again. I'm not coming back to live with you."


Riley was sitting in the cooler. She looked up as Simon walked walked in. "How did I know I'd find you in here?" He asked.

"Leave me alone. I've had crap from you for the last couple of weeks. I'm not having it anymore. Okay?" She said.


"No! Just leave me alone! I'm sick of this school. I'm sick of my mum! I'm sick of everything!" Riley yelled as she began trashing the place.

Within moments, Max and Aimee were in there. Max held Riley to calm her down. "It's going to be okay. Just calm down."

Riley felt to the floor crying. She couldn't handle it anymore. Simon walked out and sighed. He knew that he was developing feelings for Riley. But could he stop himself from taking it further? Especially as she was still his pupil?

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