Chapter 19

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"Where is everyone?" asked Mr. Chungus. When he had manipulated the kids schedules, he'd forgotten to change them back. Partly because he forgot his memories too. But since every single kid was kidnapped, nobody was in class that day. "More gaming time for me!" he cried in triumph, sliding into a comfy chair and opening up Minecraft.

Meanwhile, the group was just waking up. Except for Aidan, who's metal box/cage/changing room thingy was in a corner of the room they'd been thrown into, with him sitting on top of it.

"Ow.. I have a headache." said Minkyu. The birds had injected sleeping stuff into him and Adam to make them unconscious.

"Where are we?" asked Adam, getting up and feeling around the room for an opening. The walls were too smooth to climb up, and too far apart to be able to touch on both sides. There was a giant TV screen up one wall, which was also too high up. There were big air vents at the very top of the room, and cameras on top of the TV.

"Hey!" yelled Melody, throwing the TV remote on the ground at the TV. "Where are we?! Who are you!?"

"Whoa whoa whoa," said Jonathan, picking up the remote and cradling it. "You're taking our only entertainment!" He turned on the TV and the room filled with the sound of a man's voice, filtered to sound robotic.

"Hello. We want to recruit you on our team. For the first test, you need to get out of this room."

Serena slumped down in a corner of the room. "I'm not doing anything the guy who kidnapped us says."

Three guns appeared at the top, pushed through small holes in the walls that were the perfect size for them. "You have two choices. Do what we say, or die. And we won't make it painless."

"Ok, fine."

"Well, there's virtually no way out," said Ellen, fiddling with the TV remote. "The only way up is all the way up there.

Aidan sat up, his eyes wide. "That's it! We use the vent to get out! And we can use the TV to climb up!"

Minkyu spun toward him, equally as enthusiastic. "Yeah! We should use the giant metal box you're on to get there! And since it's not high enough, we could use the guns, too!"

In response, the guns whirred back into the walls, and the surface became smooth again. "That's out of the question," said Melody. "C'mon, let's huddle." They all crouched together in a football-like huddle. "Hehe if you crouch before landing in minecraft parkour you have a better chance of landing on the block and not falling lol," said Ellen randomly. Everyone ignored her.

"We can use the wires in the TV," whispered Melody. "But we'll need to knock out the camera first."

"Ok!" Joshua popped up, jumped onto Aidan's changing room box thingy and made a running jump onto the top of the TV. Hanging on, he ripped off the camera and threw it on the ground, where it broke apart, into several pieces.

Everyone stared at him. "What?" he said. "C'mere, I need help getting down."

"I almost forgot you were there since you were so quiet," muttered Jonathan, as he headed over with Aidan to catch Joshua. When he fell down, he brought part of the TV with him. "Uh oh," he said. Everyone scrambled out of the way as the wide screen came crashing down.

"Well," said Aidan.

"That's better." Jonathan had this air of slight disgust as Josh hopped down like a little toad and instantly let go after he had caught him. "We can't see any messages from the creepy guy anymore, at least."

"Owwie my butt!" Josh whined, but everyone shushed him with the mockery of saying "I need to pee!" grandly.

Yoted, tricked, backstabbed, and possibly bamboozled, a wounded Josh sulked in the corner. For the third time.

Suddenly, the man's voice filled the room again. "We can still see and hear you," he said coldly. "But I can see that you kids will make useful assets to our organization."

"What's your organization called?" yelled Adam.


"K then."

Joshua stood on top of the metal box, trying to seem cool. "Ay bro's, I think we might be working for No soon! We'll be No agents and if anyone asks, we'll say we're working for No." He smiled grandly, waiting for the laughter. It never came, Melody was busy getting out the longest and sturdiest wires in the TV, and everyone else was surrounding her, as a sad attempt to hide what she was doing from the camera's. It didn't work.

"Shut your mouth," threatened Melody, not even looking up. By now, she had fastened them into a sturdy rope that didn't look as long as they hoped it would, but it may still work. "Who has the best aim out of all of us?" she asked, her eyes boring into every individual's eyes. Scary.

"Uh, I think I do," said Aidan awkwardly, raising his hand.

Melody tossed him the wire-rope. "Stand on top of that metal box and lasso this onto the vents.

"Wha- how am I supposed to do THAT!?" he cried. Nevertheless, he tried and succeeded. "I, uh, very lucky." he stuttered, stunned by his luck.

Melody shimmied her way up, crawled into the vent, and secured the rope. She stayed inside, waiting for the others.

Everyone was too scared to do something, so Jonathan stepped on Josh's foot ("KYAAAAAAA!") and everything descended into chaos. Eventually it was sorted out and then someone slapped Jonathan on the face, making him mumble, "at-least-I-didn't-scream-like-an-anime-girl."

"All done?" A quiet, menacing voice asked, and everyone, shivering looked up at Melody who looked positively murderous.

"Bruh," said Minkyu.

"Let's go by height order," suggested Adam, who was the tallest. So they did.

"What?" asked Ellen, clueless. "NO WAIT JOSHUA's SHORTER THAN ME WHAT AM I BEING FORCED TO DO ARE YOU SACRIFICING- oh. That's really not a big deal." She shimmyed up the rope, after muttering "still, im taller than joshua." Everyone else got up into the vents, and they crawled along in an organized line.

"It bothers me that there are no side vents on here," commented Anvi. Everyone screamed. "WHERE THE HECK-" "WHAT THE" "SIS YOU SCARED ME" "bruh" "..." "@*#$^!"

When everyone calmed down and Joshua woke up with a slap to the face delivered by a very obvious guy, they continued crawling down the abnormally straight air vent. Suddenly, there was a clang and they could hear Melody cursing.

"What happened?" asked Minkyu.

"Dead end." said Melody.

And then the 'floor' dropped out from underneath.

~ ~ ~

I give jonathan 1/4 credit for this chapter. It was kinda short tho


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