Chapter 2

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      Where do you eat your meals? IHOP?"

      "So I've been toad that you got a faceful of frog guts this morning. Mind telling me the story again? I forgot."

      "Nice clothes, I find them quite...ribbiting."

      "Hey, do you ride the bus? I bet it's because your car got toad."

      All the frog puns that had been thrown at Adam (ok I'll stop now) were now bouncing around in his head. Adam gripped his head, trying to get rid of them. "Ugh." he said out loud. When he got back home, he dropped his backpack off and left immediately for a walk to try to clear his mind.

      Ah... what a clear sky.. just like how my mind is. Yes.. but the weather is quite nice outside. I wonder what the temperature is... 0 degrees celsius equals 32 degrees Fahrenheit, right? So does that mean 0 degrees celsius plus 0 degrees Celsius equals 64 degrees Fahrenheit!? Adam stopped walking and contemplated that. But temperature is an Intensive property, so it doesn't depend on the quantity, so you cannot "add" temperatures...

      Adam stroked his chin, deep in thought. He didn't even notice that he had stopped in front of a restaurant called Chaudhary Brothers. Ishan and Adi Chaudhary were the owners. They had come outside, wondering what this boy was doing outside their shop. Circling him, they waited for a reaction, but none came. So Adi took out his air horn and blew it in Adam's face.

      "0 degrees Celcius added to itself doesn't equal 64 degrees Fahrenheit because temperature is an intensive property which can't be added because it doesn't depend on the quantity!" he blurted. The brothers were surprised for a moment, then turned to each other with a grin. They'd found a smart young boy who probably didn't even know it.

      "Hey!" said Ishan, the taller one. "What's your name?" said Adi. The brothers have an annoying habit of finishing each other's sentences somehow. They definitely don't practice every day.

      "Uhh... I'm Adam," he said. "Where... did you come from?"

      Ishan gestured towards Chaudhary Bros'. "Oh, that restaurant" "right behind you," said Adi. Ishan had just put up a "Now Hiring" sign, hoping that the boy would see it. Well, Adam caught sight of the bright, neon green and cyan sign immediately. He squinted his eyes to read it.

      "Now Hiring?" he said, turning to the shorter brother. "Could I perhaps sign up for this?"

      "Of course!" they said in unison. "You'll be paid-" "-$16.90 per hour!" "Come on in!"

      Adam followed them into the back of the restaurant and made the arrangements. He would go to Chaudhary Bro's and work as a waiter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 4 - 6 pm, and sometimes get to eat dinner there as well. Adam felt happy; he had killed two birds with one stone. He gets to eat Marvelous Indian Food all the time now, he has a way to get his mind off school, and he gets to make some extra cash while doing that! (Make that three birds.)

      Adam walked home with a bounce in his step. As he walked to his front door and put in the key, a bewildered face stared out from the window across from his house.

      Minkyu stared in disbelief as he realized that the person he had flung a frog organ at lived across the street from him.

~ ~ ~

      The next day, Adam walked to school. As he had predicted, frog puns were thrown at him from every angle. Serena rushed to the front and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the side. "Instead of going to Science, how would you like to go to the Anime Club instead?"

      "The what?"

      "The Anime Club!" Serena beamed with enthusiasm. "Oh, right, you're new. Well, here at Weemecaine High, we are allowed to join a club and go there for our first period instead of the normal ones."


      "Come on! I'm sure you'll like it. You can always go to another club."

      "Sure, I guess..." Adam ventured reluctantly. "Where is it?" "In Room 420! I'll show you!"

      With Serena dragging him, he entered the clubroom. "I'll introduce you to everyone. This is Ellen." A short girl with ombre hair ranging from black to brown waved. "Hi! I'm the leader of the Anime Club. It would be awesome if you could join! Joshua, stop!" She immediately ran over to prevent a short Korean boy who was talking too much from knocking over a chair.

      "And this," Serena said, pushing him to the corner of the room, "is Jonathan and Aidan. The short guy is Jonathan, who prefers to be called Jonny, and the tall blonde with glasses is Aidan. Don't touch his hair or he'll kill you."

      "Hi..." Adam murmured.

      "Hi." Jonathan and Aidan said at the same time. "They're best friends. Jonathan is constantly at odds with Ellen though." Serena said.

      "Anyways, this is Melody, my sister." A girl with medium length black hair nodded towards the two. "Hi." She said, turning away to look at Wattpad on her phone. "And this is Joshua, as you might know." The bouncy short boy turned towards the duo. "Hi, and did you know that Jolexa is actually a thing? But Jellen is nice too!" Joshua blabbered at top speed. Melody immediately yelled, "Jellen for the win!" To which Jonathan responded, "NO!" and Joshua started chanting, "Jo-jo-jo-lexa!" Ellen yelled, "No! Joshua loves Sophia Fu!" which incited a whole new discussion.

      Turning away from the raging dispute, Serena calmly turned to Adam and said, "Yes, this happens every day. No, you cannot stop it."


      "And finally, this is another new guy, Mi-"

      "You-" Adam stopped. He didn't want to embarrass himself. "What? Frog in your throat?" Minkyu laughed, looking up from his phone. Minkyu had obviously tried to avoid Adam today by attending anime club; he was playing Clash Royale on his phone. "What can I say? I'm a liver, not a fighter." Too late, Adam realized his mistake. Minkyu sniggered.

      Adam had enough.

      He walked over, using his imposing height to back Minkyu up. Even the fighting had stopped, pausing in the middle with Melody holding back from stomping on Joshua's foot, Ellen pausing from a stabbing motion with her pocket knife towards Jonathan, Jonathan dropping Joshua out of a chokehold, and Joshua stopped, well, talking, to everyone's disbelief.

      "You little fiuking narcissistic botulous bot, you big beta simp noob!" said Adam, smoke almost pouring out of his ears.

       Minkyu, though he was scared, couldn't understand half of what Adam was saying because he was no gamer. "Wha?" He said. "Lecture me in English please?" Adam continued ranting, his shyness overcome by his rage of Minkyu's low understanding of gamer terms.

      "You hinkypunk, you pettifogger, you unmajestic swamp duck-" "Stop speaking nerd language!" Adam, enraged, pushed Minkyu back. What he didn't see in his rage were the knives stacked up on the counter behind Minkyu, left there from the Cooking Class that happens during the day.

As Minkyu landed on the pile, his eyes widened from the pain. His body tensed up for a second before his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed in a heap, unconscious.

~ ~ ~

Hi, it's Ellen again. Once again, please vote for us! Sorry for the cliffhanger, we're just... mean. And the chapter was too long. Thanks for reading!

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