Chapter 22

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Eren Jeager POV

"What do you mean? Who's taking you to court?" He asked.

"My mother, she wants custody of Mikasa and Armin back."

"She can't do that! She shouldn't have the right!"

"She shouldn't but she does, we need to make a case. You and I already know she isn't capable of raising children and who knows what she'll do to them if she gets them back!" I yelled a little starting to panic.

"Hey hey calm down Eren, we won't let her get them back, we have the advantage, you're doing everything right ok?" He said hugging me and trying to calm me down before it got too bad, I just nodded leaned into his touch.

"Connie's father is a lawyer right? Why don't we see if he could help us out a little." Levi suggested and I nodded again. I pulled out my phone and called Connie and told him the situation, Connie and his father talked for a while before Connie told me his father was gonna help us which gave me some relief. "Let's relax for a bit ok?" Levi said.


"But nothing Eren, getting stressed out won't do you any good."

"Fine," I said admitting defeat and sitting on the couch next to Levi where Mikasa's cat jumped up onto my lap. I leaned against Levi while he flipped through TV channels it was then that I started to realize how tired I was and fell asleep before Levi even picked a show.

~Levi's POV~ (after twenty one chapter I, the author, has switched the POV)

I knew he was tired even if he hadn't known that at first, Eren fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down just like I knew he would. I carefully took his binder off without waking him up so he didn't hurt himself. I don't think Eren realizes it but he often falls asleep without taking it off so I've gotten pretty used having to remove it, I'm actually surprised that he hasn't seriously hurt himself yet.

My thoughts were interrupted by a very obnoxious pounding on the door that somehow didn't wake Eren at all. "Just come in Hanji, we all know you copied his house key." I said and heard the clicking of the lock and door before Hanji entered.

"I have to be prepared for all circumstances, what if there was an emergency, I have to be able to let myself- woah! Eren sleeps?!" She said surprised.

"Rarely, but yes, on occasion Eren sleeps, I would prefer if you kept it down so he stayed asleep."

"He looks so relaxed, I don't think I've ever seen him like this, even when his mother was still around." Hanji said smiling at him.

"Wait you knew him back then?"

"Oh yeah, I've known Eren since he was ten, did he never tell you how we met?"

"The conversation never really came up."

"Well since we have time I guess I could tell you. I had just graduated high school and was working in my lab that I had just recently bought, I forgot exactly what I was trying to make at the time but there was a small explosion that I was in the middle of, I guess Eren had been walking home from school or something but he saw it and out of concern rushed in to make sure no one was hurt. I was the only one in there but I was pretty badly injured, I actually still have scars from it but anyway that day Eren was able to call the paramedics and stop the bleeding keeping me alive till the ambulance got there. The kid saved my life, we've been pretty close ever since."

"Jeez he's been saving lives since freaking elementary school." I said.

"Yeah apparently he saved Erwins life too, I don't really know that story though."

"Is there anyone's life he hasn't saved?"

"I'm not sure if he told you this but Eren originally wanted to be a paramedic but once he realized that he wouldn't be able to afford the schooling he decided he'd try to become a police officer instead. It's a shame really, he would've been a great paramedic." Hanji explained and I looked down at Eren who had shifted from sleeping on my shoulder to sleeping on my lap.

"Yeah I bet he would have. Now onto another subject, why are you even here?"

"Well I heard about the court thing and figured I'd come help out!" She said proudly.

"Wait how'd you know about that?"


"Hanji," I warned.

"I like to hack Erens phone sometimes, and by sometime I mean daily." She said quickly.

"Hanji! Do you know how creepy that is?! You sound like a stalker!" I whispered yelled again trying not to wake up Eren although he's usually such a light sleeper, guess he was extra tired.

"It's not creepy, I'm just trying to protect him, do you know how mean people can be? Someone tried to blackmail him into quitting his job once, I was able to stop them cause I knew about it.I stay out of his personal messages, I only look at unfamiliar names and numbers" She explained.

"Does Eren know you do this?" I asked still a little creeped out.

"Yeah, he doesn't care much."

"I guess it's a little less creepy since he knows you do it, still weird though."

"Also I bought the stuff for pasta salad if Eren would be interested in making it."

"Did you just come here for Eren's food?" I said not that I would really blame her.

"No, of course not, I came to help, Eren's cooking is just a plus now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go play with Mikasa, let me know when Eren wakes up." Hanji said before walking to Mikasa's room.


Word Count:980

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