Chapter 25

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Eren Jeager POV

"That glitter in your hair is super pretty Mikasa." Mr.Springer pointed out doing what I had asked. Mikasa's face lit up again at the compliment.

"Thanks! Eren put it there for me on the way here, look it's on my cheeks too!" She said smiling.

"I see that, is it ok if I ask you some serious questions now?" He asked and Mikasa nodded.

"Alright, you know this is about your mom wanting to take you back right?"

"Yeah, Eren told me that, I don't want her to take us back though."

"Mikasa did your mother ever hurt you?"

"Not usually, Eren didn't let her but one time when Eren wasn't home she got angry because I spilled something and then she punched me right in the stomach. That was the only time though." Wait Mikasa never told me about that. Levi squeezed my hand which told me to relax and also made me realized that I had tensed up in the first place.

"I see, what about Eren did she ever hurt him?" He asked and Mikasa looked at me for reasurrance, I just nodded to let her know it was ok. I don't want her to have to relive this, I already answered these questions earlier why does she have to answer them too.

"Um yeah she did a lot."

"Can you tell me how?"

"W-well she hit and kicked him and he got bruises and ouchies all over," She said starting to tear up again. I don't blame her it must have been tramatizing to have to watch all of it and they are making her talk about all of it. "S-she used k-knives sometimes t-too when she got really mad, she made E-eren bleed super bad and he had to wrap them all up, he let me help him though."

"Did Eren ever fight back?"

"Uh yeah he did one time, but she beat him up so badly that he was knocked out, he slept for a really long time and I couldn't wake him up, it was super scary, but once he did wake up he hugged and promised me that he was ok. Um, can I please be all done now?" She asked and Mr.Springer looked at the judge who just nodded.

"Alright after one more question. Do you like when you brother takes care of you?"

"Yeah! He takes super good care of me and Armin, oh you probably can't talk to Armin though, unless you know how to talk with your hands, but I could ask him some things for you. He is still little though so he isn't very good at talking with his hands yet but I am! My sign teacher says that I'm super good at it." She said starting to ramble a little.

"That's alright we don't need to talk to Armin today, you can good back now though." Mr. Springer said and instanly Mikasa jumped up and ran back to me and Levi.

"Alright the jurors and I will take some time to look over the pictures sent to us and come to a decision, the rest of you are free to go wait in the lobby." With that we left the court room and and sat in the lobby where Erwin handed Armin to me.

"You did such a good job Mikasa!" I said.

"Thanks I didn't like a lot of his questions though."

"I know sweetie but remember in just a little bit we get to go do all those things I promised."

"Mhm it's gonna be so much fun!" She cheered and jumped up and down.

"Eren you're shaking pretty badly are you ok?" Levi asked quietly so Mika wouldn't hear.

"I'm fine just some of the things we talked about I didn't want to think about, I'm ok though." Levi looked skeptical but let it slide.

~Time Skip~

We won, I get to keep them. I mean the odds were definitely in my favor but I seriously don't know what I would've done if my mother had gotten custody of Mikasa and Armin. Everything would be fine now, I don't have to worry about mother anymore, she's going to prison. "Alright guys let's go out for ice cream." I said.


Word count: 718

Alright guys, this is the end of the story, I think it told someone this would be going on for a while longer but hey the ending came faster than I thought it would to. There really isn't a way to continue this without possibly messing it up so I think this is a good place to end the story. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this book I will be publishing a new story next week and I hope you guys will look forward to it.

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