Chapter 11

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Eren Jaeger POV 

"Guys please be careful!" I said again to my crazy friends. 

"Relax Eren we aren't gonna drop him, do you really think we would ever let anything happen to Armin?" Ymir pointed out.

"No, I guess not but I just worry," I replied.

"That's the problem you're always worried, I don't blame you for that but listen you have all of us here to watch over them, try to have fun," Connie said and I was about to agree when I heard Mikasa cry out in pain, I looked over to see that she had fallen pretty hard on the gravel and I gave Connie a look before running over to her.

"Eren it hurts!" Mikasa said crying. 

"I know Mika." Luckily we were still by the cars so I lifted Mikasa up onto the tailgate of the truck Reiner and Bertholt had driven here and I took the first aid kit out of Armins diaper bag. 

"Do you just always have a first aid kit on you?" Reiner asked.

"Yeah," I answered and took out the Neosporin and bandaids. "Mika please stop moving."

"It hurts when you touch it Eren." She cries continuing to jerk her legs away from me when I tried to clean the gravel off her knee.

"Ok tell you what, if you can hold still for five whole minutes then I'll let you go to the candy store after we get our costumes and you can pick out anything you want," I said and her eyes lit up. 

"Really?!" She asked as she quickly stopped her crying.

"Yup but you have to hold still."

"Ok, I'll be super still, like a statue." She said causing me and a few of the others to laugh. After that, I was able to bandage her up pretty fast. The rest of the group just watched looking like they wanted to help but not knowing how.

"Alright now we can go to the mall," I said putting Mikasa back on the ground.

"Mr.Levi help me swing," Mikasa said.

"Wait but I don't see any swings," Levi replied looking around causing me to laugh again. "What? Why are you laughing at me?" 

"She means likes this silly," Sasha said grabbing Mikasas other arm and me and Sasha showed Levi how to swing her. 

"Oh," Levi said and took Sasha's place and we did that all the way into the mall. 

"Ok, so where's the costume shop at?" I asked. 

"Well well if it isn't Ellie, don't you have some type of work to be doing?" Jean said from behind us causing me to roll my eyes.

"Can't you find something else to spend your time doing? Do you have to bother me every time you see me?" I asked.

"I still have to make you pay for talking back to me so rudely earlier."  I was about to respond but before I could Reiner walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar. 

"Listen, you see Erens sister here is still pretty young and I would rather not expose her to much violence but," He paused tightening his grip on Jean. "You say one more thing about my friend and I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you right here, right now." He threatened.

"A-alright fine I'll leave just put me down," Jean said and Reiner dropped him and return to the front of the group with Berthold. I watched for a second as Jean scrambled away before Levi grabbed my hand and led me to the rest of the group causing me to blush a little although I'm not sure why.

"Thanks for that Reiner," I said.

"No problem he deserved it." He replied and we continued on our way to the costume shop. 

"Eren does anything Jean or his friends say ever affect you?" Christa asked.

"I don't have time to worry about what they think," I replied.

"That didn't answer her question," Ymir said and I sighed.

"No, he doesn't get to me." It was kind of a lie but it's not that important and there isn't much we can do about it. Once we got to the costume shop I took Armin from Ymir and rocked him on my hip a little since he was getting fussy. "Alright buddy lets go look for a costume for you, oh and Levi can get one too," I said taking Levi's hand and dragging him over to the baby's section of the costume shop. 

"Wait why do I need a costume?" 

"Because Levi if I have to wear a costume so do you, aww look at this one it's a bumblebee," I said taking it off the rack.

"Very original," Levi said sarcastically.

"It'll look so cute on him though, I'm gonna go put it on him,"  I said going to the changing room. Once I finished I called the others over to see him, Mikasa decided that since Armin was a bumblebee she was gonna be a ladybug. After I changed Armin back into normal clothes Sasha took him from me and Levi and I went to go find our costumes. We decided to dress up as police officers, that's actually what I plan to do outside of high school. 

After about two hours in the costume shop which in my opinion is way longer than we should've been in here Armin even fell asleep on me, I had everyone wrap up since we had to get home sometime and I promised Mikasa we would go to the candy store and who knows how long we'd spend there. Mikasa pretty much skipped all the way to the candy store because that's just how excited she was to go get candy. 

I originally was just going to let Mikasa pick out one type of candy but then she started getting really excited about everything and I still had some money left so I caved and we ended up with about twenty different types of candy and a very happy six-year-old. "You aren't gonna let her have all of that tonight are you?" Connie asked looking kind of concerned.

"Oh definitely not, this will last her at least a month," I answered and Connie looked relieved. "Alright, Mika are you ready to go home." 

"Actually we were thinking since we haven't eaten yet we should all go get food together," Christa said. I thought for a moment before giving in and agreeing to go, I'm never gonna get home am I?


Word Count: 1083

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