Wrong Kid?

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"Hey Frankie can you pick Erin up from the birthday party? It's getting kind of late. oh and tell her she can't spend the night because my mom is coming over." Ariana asked. Frankie responded "Sure. you know how when you first got her you thought it was a trick?." I said "yea. Why?" Frankie said"well I think it was all because she wanted a famous life. see you in a little." I try to respond but Frankie runs to the car slamming the door.
"ARIANA!" Erin says frustratedly. "what" I say which I really honestly don't care but just want to be a good mom. " I WANT TO STAY LATER AND I REALLY LIKE MY FRIENDS BUT YOU SENT YOUR DUMB STUPID MEAN BROTHER OVER TO PICK ME UP YOU RUINED MY LIFE! YOU KNOW WHAT!? THOSE FRIENDS ESCAPED THE ORPHANAGE TO BE WITH ME! I HATE MY LIFE! BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY I HATE YOU!!!" Erin shouted at me. I really should be offended by her hating me but what really hurt me what was about my brother. I responded "HOW DARE YOU MAKE FRANKIE RUN UP TO HIS ROOM! YOU REALLY HURT BOTH OF US! besides you are the one who CHOSE TO LIVE HERE!" " No I didn't I told the lady no 100 times but my roommate kicked me out." Erin said as she broke my vases. I'm not going to care about that right now I'm going to ask about the tweet she sent me."Hey Erin? About a year ago you sent me a tweet wanting me to be your mom." "No it wasn't me " Erin said. I say back "Isn't your last name Davidson?" I ask and she says" its Davis" oh no!

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