It Was Just a Song and Flower

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here I am sitting here watching my new love hurt because of me. well she did try to crash my car. I'm going to listen to pandora while I wait in the waiting room. I put on Ariana Grande station and after Blank Space comes on its Honeymoon Avenue and it reminds me of Erin. So, I go into Erin's room and she starts singing with me. Then she says "can you pause it really quick?" I pause it and ask her what's up and she responds "I wasn't going to crash the car... hit play and you'll see." I hit play and the lyrics are "my heart is stuck on bumper to bumper traffic im gonna crash it cause I can't have you the way that I want." Oh man wait i have another question "okay I'm sorry.. But why were you reaching for the wheel?" Then Erin responds " I saw a pretty flower hanging and I wanted to smell it." oh my gosh what have I done! I'm a complete idiot because I don't know my own lyrics. anyways the doctor came in and said Erins fine now and my mom came to pick us up since my car is wrecked. As me and Erin get of the bed we lean over to each other, hug, an I said I'm sorry and we both said I love you.

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