To Disney Land

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today I'm finally meeting Colleen and Josh. I'm soooo exited because they're my favorite youtubers. we are on our way to Disney World in Florida.
*** in the lobby***
A, Colleen and josh are almost here.
E, yay!
C,hey guys
J, whaaaaatttttttssss up Internet!?
C, sorry josh is vlogging
J, today I'm meeting ariana grandes new daughter, Erin!
E, hey guys
C, I'll start vlogging to!
***starting to get on rides***
Me,frankie,ari,grandma,colleen,and josh are going on alp of rides and I'm watching frankie to frankie vs water which was really funny.
*** at dinner***
Colleen just bought me my very own VLOG CAMERA! I told her I'm going to Start vlogging after dinner.
Turns out Colleen got me tickets to go see her perform as Miranda tonight.
Yay we're her ima start vlogging.
E, hey guys it's erin and today I'm meeting COLLEEN BALLINGER say hi
C, hiiiii nice camera where did you get it?...
E, yea guys Colleen got me this vlog camera!
C, let's have a vlogging party!
J, whatttssss up Internet!?
C, hey everybody
A, hey loves, I haven't vlogged in a while
F(frankie), heeeellllloooooo its frankie j grande
E, im on my way to a Miranda show
*** after Miranda show at arianas house***
E, that was amazing! Bye guys!!!
C, you're great at vlogging!
E, thanks!
C&J, bye guys see you later
E&A&F, byeeeeeeeee

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