Honeymoon Ave. Luck

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I still can't believe the actual ARIANA GRANDE is adopting me. I'm just a girl am I really worth having her?ajjsjdjcjdndnsndhjdjdjd is all I can think. Well I think I hear honeymoon avenue one let me sing! I scream out "WHEN WE WERE ON HONEYMOON AVENUE" oh no I was listening through my headphones and Ariana is staring at me. umm "sorry?" "It's okay nice song." "It's a old one I know ima dummy." "no you aren't love." omg did Ariana just seriously call me a love? "You know you have a good voice."Ariana says. I tell her thanks. then I sing ~bumper to bumper ima crash it......~ from the song and Ariana thinks I'm going to crash the car so she pushes me back because as I sang I was reaching for a pretty flower she has in a car and I fly back and she hits my head on the window. she pushes me so hard the glass breaks and I'm bleeding terribly

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