Hi Grandmom

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As I'm sitting here picking out pieces of glass in my hair from my new mom who doesn't trust me! WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING!? She's an amazing mom she's my idol, she wants to give me a better life,she took me to the hospital when I was hurt, and well she Is just amazing! Man the things that I think. Right now I'm i my new GRANDMAS CAR! Her names Joan Grande she's an amazing mother! No offense Ari but I hope you'll be like her. Joan or as I should say Grandmom asks me " So your names Erin right?" I say "yea well Erin Davidson..." Then grandma says " yea but no offense if you know the other Erin but ya know a pain." I say " no offense taken I don't know her except what ari told me." Joan tells me" I really love you. if you love me or not I will always be there for you. I really trust you and believe you will be very successful without Arianas fame. As shocking as one day of meeting a idol and getting hurt. you'll be amazed. we are so happy to have you:)" I respond to her as hard as it is crying of tears of joy I say " I love you more."

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