Chapter ♡IV

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        "Like the rain, I've fallen for

A shrilling scream left Aleena's throat―echoing around the greenwood―as she felt a strong hand grabbing her own, pulling her body close. 

"Faris!" She bellowed when she came across the sapphire-eyed man who had an agonizing expression on his face. His chest heaved up and down and beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

"Aleena! Thank god I found you!" Faris squeezed her little hand that he had in his possession―making her already racing heart sprint faster.

"You scared me," she whimpered. 

Faris's forehead puckered, "you scared me! Do you know how worried I was? I was looking for you like a mad man."

His fretful rant made her jaw touch the ground, "you were worried... for me?"

"Who else?" His steely blue orbs probed her face. "Have you noticed the weather? It can rain any sec―" A pearly raindrop kissed his face making him stop and look up at the sky. 

Aleena followed his action and a raindrop trickled down her cheek, followed by another one and then another―turning into a light drizzle.

"We need to get out of here." Faris announced, receiving a nod of approval from the brunette girl. Holding her hand in a gentle grip, he moved forward, Aleena mimicking his action. 

The couple rushed, trying to find a way out of the extensive woodland but before they could continue their pursuit, the roaring of clouds became aggressive and the drizzle started transforming into perpetual downpour. 

Having no choice but to halt their movements, they looked around for a cover to save themselves from getting drenched. Finding nothing but a set of two huge straight branches of trees connected with enormous leaves―creating some sort of a shelter―they scurried towards it. 

The clouds grew darker and the thrashing of rain became rampant as minutes passed. Coldness pierced through Aleena's slightly damped clothes, making her shiver and fold her arms across her chest. 

"What are we going to do now?" She asked Faris who stood right beside her under the leafy-roof, watching the furious downpour. 

"Wait for the rain to stop," he sighed, looking at her. 

Aleena rubbed her palms together to warm them up when Faris spoke again, "by the way, that was so reckless of you, Aleena. How can you just wander off without letting your friends know?"  

"I don't know," Aleena pursed her lips into an innocent pout. "I was just walking, clicking pictures and I didn't realize when I got separated from them." 

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, his eyes never leaving her face. 

"I'm glad I'm not alone here though," she added with a small smile. 

"I'm glad I found you," Faris told her in a soothing voice.

Suddenly, brilliant white veins of lightning sizzled against the dark grey clouds, followed by a loud boom of thunder, making a swift gasp escape Aleena's lips and chills run down her spine.

Her body spontaneously moved closer to the guy standing by her side and before she knew it, she had her head buried against his chest, her hands tightly clutching the navy blue fabric of his blazer, her body pressed to his.

Thump thump thump, was it her heartbeat ringing in her ears or his?

After few seconds, that felt like an eternity, she tilted her head upwards and her breath ceased somewhere in her throat.

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