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SHE could feel the dirt and grime of the days work washing down her body, literal dirt washing off her ankles from when they'd fought earlier, there was dirt sticking to her arms and she quickly realized she would have to use her hand to rub said ...

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SHE could feel the dirt and grime of the days work washing down her body, literal dirt washing off her ankles from when they'd fought earlier, there was dirt sticking to her arms and she quickly realized she would have to use her hand to rub said grime off.

Using the small bit of soap each of them received, she used it to help break away at the dirt that continued to reside along the length of both her arms. When she finished with her shower she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her.

Once she was dry enough for it to be comfortable she pulled on her undergarments before returning to the main room, she held her set of clothes in one hand setting them down on the bed as she put away the rest of her items. When she finished up she got dressed Josi sitting in front of her waiting to talk.

Most of the boys were taking showers making it quite easy for her to feel comfortable changing in the main room, the few that were left made sure that they looked away or avoided her gaze, Mitch entered the room with only his pants on his hair a wet mess, he quickly turned away at the sight of Margo getting dressed silently cursing his terrible timing.

"Mitch stop acting like a baby, you act as you've never seen a girl getting dressed before" Josi spoke her tone making it sound like she was annoyed, Mitch let out a small sigh before turning around to enter the room, he avoided looking at either of them as he put his belongings away and tugged a shirt on pulling it over his head.

Josi smiled and pointed at his bare chest where a bruise was beginning to form near his abdomen, Margo turned to look the skin slightly red and fading to a light purple, before they could gawk for much longer he'd tugged his shirt completely down so no skin was available for them to look at. Josi mockingly feigned a pout as if she thought he was ashamed that Margo had given him a bruise.

"Can you get your head out from up your ass and maybe stare at someone else?" he suggested, Josi's mouth slightly opened and she shared a look with Margo as she finished pulling her pants on, she stood up taking slow measured steps towards Mitch, "what did you just say to me?" she questioned, Mitch furrowed his eyebrows knowing she'd heard him, "I said, can you get your head-" he was cut off by Josi's fist colliding with his face.

He stumbled backward having been caught off guard by the attack, he gave her a confused look almost asking her why she'd punched him, before he could even think about actually asking her she punched him again, he ducked her next swing before she lunged at him.

The two sprawled out on the floor Josi relentlessly hitting him, Margo watched on it fascination as to how the fight would end, eventually, Mitch ended up punching her back, that was when Josi went off, it was like some switch in her had flipped, like she'd lost any sense of control.

After a few seconds longer Margo quickly realized where the fight was heading, she rushed to the middle of the room quickly grabbing Josi around the waist and dragging her off of him, they toppled onto the floor Stan rushing into the barracks moments later with Eric hot on his tail, he'd disappeared to go get Stan.

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