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MARGO could feel the others watching her as Stan stepped forward his arms crossed over his chest as he let his eyes fall over Mitch, "the enemy is and could be anyone, even someone on your team, you need to leave no one unaccounted for" he explain...

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MARGO could feel the others watching her as Stan stepped forward his arms crossed over his chest as he let his eyes fall over Mitch, "the enemy is and could be anyone, even someone on your team, you need to leave no one unaccounted for" he explained, Mitch pulled his headset off seemingly annoyed with both of them.

"Why'd you change her as the target at the last second? What game are you playing?" he questioned, Stan raised an eyebrow, "I'm not playing any game, loyalty can change in an instant, now if you want to keep talking to me like that we can send you back, you can leave" he spoke giving a slight shrug of the shoulders, Mitch refrained from any sassy comments trying his best to keep his anger to himself.

Putting away the rest of the headsets and AR guns they had they all removed their AR sensors and handed them to Eric for him to store them away again, Stan led them all back outside once this was finished and they walked back outside to the cars. They loaded up into their seats the ride back being completely silent as most were too exhausted or still recovering from their shocks to try and respond.

As soon as they returned a late dinner was served and they returned to the barracks to shower, Margo and Mitch both made a beeline for the showers, Margo barely beating him by a half of a second, he frowned as she slipped past the curtain and glared at him, he turned away as she pulled the curtain closed and stripped down.

She could hear a few of the other showers running as others bathed and she turned the water on finishing in the short span of five minutes before she dried off and got dressed, unlike tonight she wasn't going to get dressed in the main room. So when she climbed out of the shower in the clothes she planned on sleeping in she returned to the room and put away her dirty clothes with her towel.

She plopped down on her mattress pulling the thin blanket over her as she laid her head flat, the pitch-black surrounding all of them made it all the easier for her to rest, Josi nudged her shoulder with her foot, "what?" she sighed opening her eyes, "we're all talking about who's taking watch tonight, we don't wanna be caught off guard by Stan again, you saw how angry he was earlier." she explained, with a small groan Margo slipped out of her bed and followed behind Josi through the dark room.

Leading into the small bathroom she could hear the others conversing in hushed whispers, "do we have any volunteers yet?" Josi asked, when no one replied Margo rolled her eyes and glanced to where she'd last heard her, "I'll take first watch, one of these pussies can take the one after that." she grumbled, the room remained silent as Margo left the room and went to station herself at the barracks entrance.

She slipped the gun that had been leaning against the wall into her lap and steadily watched the entrance; she was watching for any intruders.

Three hours into her shift she let out a small sigh adjusting the gun in her lap to sit more comfortably, someone tapped her shoulder and she whipped around the gun pointing directly at their head, Mitch furrowed his eyebrows as he reached his hand out to push the barrel of the gun away from him, "you can go to bed now" he stated, it was her turn to furrow her eyebrows as she checked her watch and tried her best to make out Mitch's outline in the dark environment, "I still have half an hour" she replied, he shook his head gesturing to the gun, "you've been on watch long enough, get some sleep", he held out his hand to help her stand up.

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